

New Member
Someone rep'ed me and said that I am probably the MOST annoying person here. :cry:

Ouch! Well if that was meant to hurt....you got me. :cry::cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
Haha that's hella funny....Naw J/k:roll:...There's always going to be somebody that doesn't like you no matter what you do. Look at Jesus, Martin Luther King, Gandhi. Just do you, Lacy. Fuck the haters.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Someone rep'ed me and said that I am probably the MOST annoying person here. :cry:

Ouch! Well if that was meant to hurt....you got me. :cry::cry::cry:
I have read many of your posts and feel that you are one of the more valuable members here. You might have struck a bear nerve with them, not your problem ....theirs.

Chin up sweety....your fine!!

I'm the most annoying person here and you can't have my crown. LOL


Well-Known Member
g'mornin' Lacy.....so not true! behaviour like that is designed to elicit a response.....don't give them the satisfaction...you know who and what you are.....and to all that matter - you ROCK!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey Lacy,
Screw them then eh? Hey we don't like everyone, so we can't expect them all to like us. Their loss. I am sure we have all pissed off someone on here at one point or another. So don't worry, your friends like you just the way you are. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Lacy Theres always a grinch on every message board.Its to bad that they picked you as a target .I love reading your posts! Your always so happy and upbeat..
Someone rep'ed me and said that I am probably the MOST annoying person here. :cry:

Ouch! Well if that was meant to hurt....you got me. :cry::cry::cry:
Hmmm the last post she made, lets hope she's sleeping. What a clever thing to say to someone that openly admits they suffer from anxiety and depression. Its obviously someone who's prevalently seen on here or she wouldn't have been so upset.

To whoever it was, I feel really sorry for you :(


Well-Known Member
hope weve all put your mind at ease lacy. who ever did that is a coward and a rite dick. wonder who it was, anyway to find out.


New Member
Thanks guys.
I shouldn't have really posted about it. I wasn't asking for pity but am happy to have some support.:mrgreen::blsmoke:

My hubby says we've been married now for 18 years so i should know I'm annoying by now. :-|:-? :oops:

I guess its true but I don't try to be. It must just come naturally.:roll: Scary thought if I tried to be. :twisted:

He also said that I should expect that kind of thing on the internet. People get behind the screen and write questionable stuff anonymously, which really is cowardly:-?

At least if I'm gonna say something to piss someone off I leave my name to it.:neutral:

My hubby also says that if I can't handle it, then I shouldn't be online. :roll: He's says that I better learn to talk less or grow thicker skin. :wall:

He's so right. My man knows me better than I know myself at times.

I guess I'll try growing thicker skin. :fire:


New Member
And since I can't stop yakking for that long, :-|I can't stay off.....
plus almost all the people here are so very nice and friendly and easy to get along with.:mrgreen:

I LOVE you guys!!!!!!!:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: