3rd Day in Flower, runnin outta space!


Active Member
Changed the lights 3 days ago, they are already getting bigger.. Can't wait to sex them soon, hope for the best... Running out of space in my 2 foot tall, 16 inch L box. Anyone know when I'll be able to see their sex??



Active Member
Changed the lights 3 days ago, they are already getting bigger.. Can't wait to sex them soon, hope for the best... Running out of space in my 2 foot tall, 16 inch L box. Anyone know when I'll be able to see their sex??
The Sex Appears Around 7-14 Days After The Lights Have Been Changed To 12/12.


Well-Known Member
You should remove all but one of those plants. If you think 5 plants that size into flowering will fit in that space, you got a wild ride ahead of ya... If you keep all but one plant, that one plant will produce more than all 5 of your plants. Trust me and pick your strongest plant, kick out the rest. Transplant your strongest one into a 2-3 gallon container, and go from there.

Edit: I just saw you haven't sexed yet. Here is my suggestion. Whatever you are feeding them, give them a 4x amount of PK boost and nothing else in their next feed. You will see sex in 6-12 hours max. After that, keep your strongest female, scrap the rest.


Active Member
I figured the odds were good considering theyre regular seeds and that half could presumably be males. if 4 or 5 plants are left, you dont think they could produce much? any suggestions otherwise wouldl be helpful too.


Well-Known Member
For every plant you put next to your strongest plant, it will take up considerable amounts of light. Trust me, one plant will produce much more under cfl lighting. If you had more lights, maybe I'd say go for it but you will control humidty much better, and make it easier for yourself if you did less plants. One plant in a 3 gallon container can take up your whole box in 40-60 days. Especially if you top it now, and throw it into a screen or lst of some sort.
i agree with broken on that one. i also have a small grow space to play with.. i chose to go hydro with one plant in a 3 gal bucket under a 150w CFL and this is what she looks like at the moment.. (topped her after about 2 weeks at her 4th node)
November 10th.jpg
ad hey broken i also have a question about this little monster of mine.. do you think it would be a good idea to eliminate a lot of the lowest side branches right now? ive been talkin with a buddy along with some other random knowledge ive picked up here and i just dont want to take away from the beauty of her. BUT if it means ill have bigger colas towards the top im SO down. truth is i want to see some non airy buds for my first topped plant. Only things holding me back from cutting them off is A: im afraid of what possible bud im getting rid of and B: im just taking my time enjoying a few new cloning methods... PS I LOVE AIR CLONING. hey mans thanks a lot any info will help.


Like Broken, i'd wait, just till they sex, then kick at least half out. You could probably grow two in there pretty decently. Just make sure you have circulation and be ready for the stench. GL man.


Active Member
thank you guys this is all very helpful info. is it ok to top them when they're already in flower? when is the absolute best time, for future reference?
originally, i started with like 30 seeds germinating... 15 or so took (had some mold problems) and 6 of those died shortly after, leaving me with 9. so once they sex ill take all males out immediately and hopefully ill be left with 3-5 plants..
also another grow space can be made available if necessary.

also, the plants are in 4x4 pots. if i was to keep only 1 or 2 would it be a good idea to move them into bigger pots? thank you for your input. all information will be put to use.


Well-Known Member
Warren, if you wanted to remove lower branches I'd say go for it, if you have an iPhone, pm me and let's face time I'll show you my plants, I top them all and remove all side branching, because I also don't have height in my tent so I even out my entire canopy.

Also getting back to your mold issue with seedlings... This may mean your cab has humidity issues. This might not be a huge problem now but once you have bigger plants, you will notice your walls are wet when the lights turn on, because of the expiration these plants do at night. I would highly suggest getting some computer fans and putting them as your intake and extake.


Active Member
Sorry no Iphone, i topped one plant and another naturally split but thats probably a good idea to give light to the other girls..
during germination i used a smaller space with no fan while the grow box was being prepared. I thought that humidity in that stage may have been the cause (even put plastic over the cups) in combination with the blood meal initially in the mix. overall that problem was taken care of once i repotted them. there is both an outtake and intake fan in the box.
you seem to know what youre talking about, could you give me some advise on soil and germinating? really this is my first real controlled grow. ive grown outdoors a few seasons but this is much different. thanks


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by naturally split? I work from home so I get to spend shiploads of time with my plants, and reading about them, so you could ask me anything you need to know, I respond fast.

Soil soil soil. This depends on what you're going for. If you do not want to worry about underfeeding, (which I rarely see in people with who pay attention to their girls), get soil that already is buffed up with nutrients, like fox farm. If you are worried about over feeding (which is the most common), get pro-mix that has no nutrients in it, and you feed the soil whatever you want with your plants. I use pro mix and I have never followed a feeding schedule, always fed my plants what I feel they need, but you will need to learn how to read your plants better, all in all, I would suggest pro mix, it stabilizes ph very efficiently, and holds plenty of water. If you are going to be home every single day for your plants life, get coco. It does not hold nutes well but it allows for plenty of oxygen to get to the roots, causing increased growth.

For germinating, the method I find most useful is letting the seeds soak for 24-32 hours and then planting them in moist soil. In two to four days, you will have your seedling. I have gotten a tall seedling in one day before. Also, people will tell you very differnt methods of germinating, and they all work!! What they do not tell you to about is the importance of cleanliness. Wether you are feeding, cloning, germinating, etc etc etc, always be clean! I cant emphisize this more. Clean clean clean. Grab a wet cloth of. Leach solution once a week, and rub down your entire box. It does not take over 5 minutes, trust me.


Active Member
what i mean by naturally split is when it was a seedling for some reason about 3 of our plants got burned/pinched/whateverthe fuck and topped themselves somehow and they look healthy now.


Well-Known Member
That's just side branching growing nicely, but it does look like it happened that way from heat stress. Keep up the good work and don't run out of space!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I'm subbed and I'll be watching. Let me know if you decide to start a new thread or post pics onto this one. Good luck :) smoke responsibly.


Well-Known Member
yea id say two give or take....im also growing bag seed and my friend is too he started a tread....go on my page and checkout my 220w thread im day12 into flowering the biggest 1 and the other 5 days.i let them veg for 4 weeks on the largest and 2 1/2 3 weeks on the other