4 great white sharks, 1 trainwreck, 5 Lsd, and 5 G13 Haze!!!!


im a beginner grower and i had a few questions if what i was doin was ok?
i have one grow under my belt but they were auto flower so nothing like these will be so i just wanna make sure what im doin is right
i have 4 great white sharks and 1 trainwreck that are 3 weeks old and just started there veg nutes sinsi grow A & B and some B51 vitamin they have been under 24 hours of light since seed
started out under cfls. only thing i did wrong was i started the seed in that one gallon pot and i should have done it in party cups like the ones i just started in the other pictures. those are 5 LSD and 5 G13 Hazes that were just put in soil yesterday. so there 3 weeks behind but my issue was that i dont have a place to put them under cfls so i put them in the veg room with my 5 other plants that are 3 weeks ahead. is that ok to do? im runnin a 600 W MH but i have the cloning dome not directly under the light is that ok? and is it ok if my 3 week old plant still recieve 24/0 hours of light or will that fuck them up should they go to 18/6 now? im just worried that ill fuck those up cause ive heard plants grow while they sleep so i wanna give them time to sleep if thats the case! idont have the right side of my room ventilated properly yet to have my seedling in those rooms to the right that you see in the pictures but eventually it will work mint when its running but for now am i ok? and if so what do i do?

