4" Vortex fan, air blows in or out? HELP

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member

so I have a 1000w MH/HPS running in my cloest with a 4" inline fan hooked to it with 4" venting.

QUESTION: Is the air supposed to get sucked in from an outside source and cool the bulb, or its it supposed to suck the heat away from the bulb and exhaust it out to an outside source? I have seen it dont both ways and was wondering which is most effiecient for keeping temps low.

I guess I could expieremnt and see which has lowest temps, but I'd rather just ask. THANKS.

:peace: and happy growing.


Well-Known Member

Sucking through the light, blowing you're hot air away from the light/plants/closet. You're fresh air will be drawn in to the grow area.

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
ok sweet, quick response...

thats how I have it setup right now...BTW plants are closer to the light than in the pic.