4 weeks male or female?


Well-Known Member
=] just posting so i remember to read this later

Hmmm... I did not see any preflowers... Need a good optical or digital zoom or a mag glass to get good pics of preflowers...


Well-Known Member
take some pics closer to the nodes inbetween the stems. my cameras shit also, try to zoom in, my pics looks crap when focusing but the end pic comes out better.


Active Member
Just got back from my friends house and toook some new pictures ! I notice some of the leaf have nut. burn ? little rust spots on them .. whats going on ????I took a close up shot of the leaf that is having the little rust spots .... the plant is flowering already =)

Ser0 Products

Well-Known Member
i knew that shit would be flowerin... that's tight... just let it go now... as far as tha nute burn.. i have no say cause my plant has that problem 2.. and i aint doin shit 2 fix it.... just PH your water.


Active Member
I really didnt think it was female until these last few pictures. I was VERY skeptical. I just thought you were seeing new growth, but you proved me wrong. Very nice. Dont try anything drastic to fix that nute burn. Just let it grow out, and dont add anymore nutes. It's small, but it will grow quickly during this final stage of it's life. Congrats!