400 hps Scrog flowering


Well-Known Member
Lol dude you must not smoke much. Me and my gf go through about 1/4 to 3 1/8s a week depending on quality. If its just mids, then we'll easily smoke a 1/2 oz in less then a week. I like smokin blunts what can I say.


Well-Known Member
just finished reading this journal. its got me excited about my scrog that i just started flowering 2 days ago after 28 day of veg . hope i didnt flower too soon. those plants looked sweet and it looks like u had next to nothing to trim even better. everyones welcome to follow me in hopes of accomplishing somthing in the ballpark of what greengiant has done. good job


1000 watts baby


Well-Known Member
hey pickleman..ive looked at your shed a few times, you should get some great results especially working with that 1000w
im interested in what your yield will be


Well-Known Member
ok so now that the grow is complete..i can show off my rickety ass grow space.
the closet got too hot so i had to move everything out and relocate across the room right infront of the A/C
so i took the cardboard box that my television came in and cut it open, lined it with whatever white i could find, and put some shit ontop to close everything in a bit.
im embarrassed to even show this but i think its funny at the same time.
i cant wait to have a grow thats actually semi-legit

first pic is of when they were in the closet
second pic is the ghetto box, i couldnt find a pic of it with the white poster boards ontop but you get the idea...all setup over a bowflex stand that an old roommate left



Well-Known Member
Dude there si nothing to be embarrassed about. You got a great outcome in the end. We all rig stuff up to suit our purposes. I'm in the process of DIYing that tent for my grow, and if you could see the pics closer, you could see how rigged up it is. I built it in my head in the plumbing aisle at lowes, and the bought the stuff, and when I got home, started building. When I got it together, I found out all the little things that I didn't think of before lol. But its all good.


Well-Known Member
thanks thundercat! yeah i mean it worked and all..just looks shitty
i cant wait to see your tent..i will probably build my own too, once i get back to growing
your kind words are appreciated :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
your bud is proof enough... you don't need a kick ass space to grow some good bud. nice job man, 100g a plant is nothing to shake a stick at

ok so now that the grow is complete..i can show off my rickety ass grow space.
the closet got too hot so i had to move everything out and relocate across the room right infront of the A/C
so i took the cardboard box that my television came in and cut it open, lined it with whatever white i could find, and put some shit ontop to close everything in a bit.
im embarrassed to even show this but i think its funny at the same time.
i cant wait to have a grow thats actually semi-legit

first pic is of when they were in the closet
second pic is the ghetto box, i couldnt find a pic of it with the white poster boards ontop but you get the idea...all setup over a bowflex stand that an old roommate left