400 WAT MH with BB's in it, normal ???

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
400 MH EYE MULTI-METAL Burn position universal

Alright i have a problem with my light. I thought the inside little bulb is supposed to be clear, right ? also there are three small little BB's that are just rolling around in the middle little bulb all different sizes( i was thinking mercury from a bad job putting the bulb together). Whats everyone think of this bulb ?

I dont think this normal i did contact http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/ where i got the light but no reply back yet. DAM WEEKENDS grrr oh well i will be callling monday if i dont get a email.

thanks for the feedback:leaf:



Well-Known Member
400 MH EYE MULTI-METAL Burn position universal

Alright i have a problem with my light. I thought the inside little bulb is supposed to be clear, right ? also there are three small little BB's that are just rolling around in the middle little bulb all different sizes( i was thinking mercury from a bad job putting the bulb together). Whats everyone think of this bulb ?

I dont think this normal i did contact http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/ where i got the light but no reply back yet. DAM WEEKENDS grrr oh well i will be callling monday if i dont get a email.

thanks for the feedback:leaf:

its mercury just like in old school thermastats its time for a new bulb and i know just the place to go lol. but get on their ass about that bulb man if they gave you b.s like that . thats going to make them explode


Well-Known Member
400 MH EYE MULTI-METAL Burn position universal

Alright i have a problem with my light. I thought the inside little bulb is supposed to be clear, right ? also there are three small little BB's that are just rolling around in the middle little bulb all different sizes( i was thinking mercury from a bad job putting the bulb together). Whats everyone think of this bulb ?

I dont think this normal i did contact http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/ where i got the light but no reply back yet. DAM WEEKENDS grrr oh well i will be callling monday if i dont get a email.

thanks for the feedback:leaf:

i personally sell mh bulbs myself, and im not soliciting anything, but i hooked a few people up on this site i trade for beans , but they got to pay for shipping lol. but go search mygirs up he might have som einfo for you .

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
thanks man yea thats what i was thinking way bad bulb, then the bb's wtf

yea made this thread hoping people would hit it up telling me its bad or normal but cant make people reply

desert fox

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say it looks normal. I think you should still be good to use it without any ill effects. It does look like sloppy manufacuring. The worst kinda defect is when the envelope doesn't hold gas causing the bulb not to fire. Shitty quality control on the manufactures part. I wouldnt be too worried about it. I wouldn't exactly be happy if I spent a good buck on a bulb and got shitty quality. Hopefully it was one cheaper bargin bulbs. I would stil push for another bulb to be sent out. Some places don't want the defecive product sent back so that equals spare bulb for you.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
thanks for your input desert fox

yea i at least hope they take it back,

crossing fingers

i already have a 250 mh and a 600 mh i dont use almost bran new so i got spare bulbs a plenty, but i heard thats how it goes unless they pop or are really bad allot of people keep there bulbs