400 watt HPS bulb?


I need to buy a couple 400 watt HPS bulbs. I am using digital ballast i know digilux is the way to go but don't want to spend $70 per bulb. What other bulbs are there that are good and work well with digital ballast? If you have any suggestions please let me know Thanks


Active Member
You really, really should get the nice bulbs... I'm told they last 2x as long and they do put out a lot more lumens. My digital 400w HPS bulb puts out 60,000 lumens compared to more like 45,000-50,000 for most... adds up in terms of yield per dollar spent on electricity.


You really, really should get the nice bulbs... I'm told they last 2x as long and they do put out a lot more lumens. My digital 400w HPS bulb puts out 60,000 lumens compared to more like 45,000-50,000 for most... adds up in terms of yield per dollar spent on electricity.
What 400 watt HPS is putting out 60,000 lumens?
Get a light meter and a cheap spectrum analyzer app and you'll buy cheap bulbs. A new cheap bulb will be fine every new crop.