400w 4x4


i am currently on my 3rd grow, running a 400w hps in my closet 4x4 area i have 2 diffrent strains mounuska thunderfuck and afghan kush , i am new to the scrog only tried once before was very satisfied, but wondering how big a scrog should be for 4 plants and whats the best nutes for soil besides foxfarm looking to try something new like dyna gro but not sure what products i need, anybody can help me ?


Active Member
Hi this is my first post after lurkin in the forums quite a while. Trying to bump you up since i will be in your situation in not so long ! I`m trying the same 4x4 and 400 hps with some Amnesia haze seeds and hopefuly scrogging these bitches. I heard Dyne grow was quite good at bringing you good yield/price ratio, you should also try and find some micro nutes (rare elements such as Magnesium).
I have another question for you pros : will my yield be better if grow 5 plant instead of four in a 4x4 scrog. i was wondering because since you could fill the screen with ony 4 plants i could keep my last seed in veg to take some cuttings. Is the potential increase in yield worth it É i was think of using 4way LST for maximum coverage. Thnks a lot !!!

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
4x4 is too big for a 400w IMO. I wouldn't fill it more than 3x3, unless you opt for a 600w.


Well-Known Member
4x4 is too big for a 400w IMO. I wouldn't fill it more than 3x3, unless you opt for a 600w.
Yeah you will have trouble with everything on the outer limits a 3X3, a 600 is going to be necessary or even a 1000 if you can afford it.