400W Batwing reflector ventilation advice sought....


Active Member
hey RIU, i have a batwing reflector with my 400w and i understand these throw heat but it was good on the wallet($119 with digital ballast,mh+hps). i have a 5x4x2 tent and was wondering the best way to ventilate. the way its set in the closet allows for 4in vent hole in the top left, and same in the bottom left, plus the passive intake flap on the bottom right(rear flap is against the back wall). can i get 2 4in booster fans and put one going in and one going out? 80cfm each so the math says so just like some pro feedback. also have t5 going now on some healthy looking seedlings, when is the best time to transition the lights? thank you for your time.....:peace: