400w HPS Blueberry grow

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Active Member
You don't need a gun license to own/have a gun in your own home, legally you need to have it registered but you don't need a concealed carry permit (I imagine that's what you meant by gun license) to protect your self or your family on your property, that said you can not shoot someone for stealing property, you can only legally shoot someone if you feel your life or someone's life is in immediate danger, the laws are state specific so it may be slightly different in your area but the general consensus is unless they have a weapon or are threatening yours or someone's life you can't shoot them. Some of the laws are absolutely ridiculous, there has been several cases where thief's break into a home, get shot by the owner, sue the owner and then win in court, it happens and its ridiculous our courts let it happen.
where i live you need a firearms lisence to buy a gun pretty sure, either way im going to take my lisence and hunting license and purchase one and add a house door with deadbolts to the shop, screw 2x6's over the old door from the inside, add a small security system, and anytime im drying in the shop or close to harvest i am going to be on alert, probably throw a matress out there and sleep out there for last week or 2. and if anyone came back itll be the last thing they do.

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Active Member
I usualy learn by doing, and often learn by fucking up, but i dont make the same mistake twice... this is my first time buddin indoor and first and last time getting ripped. its a big loss and im gonna deal with it if i find out who it was, but if they think they need it so fucking bad then whatever, its weed, i enjoyed growing it as much as i would have smoking it, and i learned alot and i can do it again, they cant, and i can do it again better, with better strains, that dont hermie ( i love dj shorts bb for outdoor) but im not sure if i will grow it much indoor as its so picky and not the highest yeilder.

anyway, ive been trimming up the mataro blue plant, im pretty sure it was early- but i did not want anything left outside after what happend, about 50% ish orange hairs, ill check trichs today, anyway its really frosty and has such a unique smell, stunk up my whole house and outside at times when drying

. i also took the tops and a few side nugs off the "greencrack" outdoor plot, they were visible on the walk in, which isnt ok. plus bottom buds will develop more. they are thriving, leaves turning purple and tons of buds! if the quality is up to par this spot will make up for the loss :D

- also have first roots in my aero cloner! loving the fine roots forming, loving how easy it is, a clone off a flowering "greencrack" plant with a bud on it has tooken root even, so it looks like i get to keep this strain for next year, which im exited about as it produced short fat bushes heavy with buds with minimal maintenance, good resistances.

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Well-Known Member
I know this is a few months old but i just wanted to say great job, read the whole thing. It was sad how little responses you got for some of your questions. What was your harvest?


Well-Known Member
Aaahhhh No way, i read that part now.......

I started skimming and just read about the gun license part.. Now that part makes sence :-|

Thanks for the bump.