400w HPS Perpetual Grow (Pics included)


Well-Known Member
So, it's been quite a while since I have been to good ol' rollitup but I see the forums are thriving more than ever! So, last I posted I had to take a hiatus from growing until I found a new place. Well 2 years later, I finally have my shit together enough to have my place. So of course I'm going to start growing again! So, I germinated some bagseeds that I have had for a while, acquired a clone that I believe is Durban Ice from my friend.

The plant in which I got the clone from was in flowering for 4 weeks, but was a behemoth so I was able to take a few lower cuttings that had barely started to flower. Needless to say, only one clone actually rooted under 24/0 lighting and was able to live, but 1 is better than none right?

Also I have a few mutant bagseedlings and a few really promising ones as you will see, so join me in this perpetual attempt at growing some delicious herb.

I am using a couple of T12 Shoplights that are 4' in length for my veg room which is in my closet. I am using rapid rooters because they were given to my for free. I am also using Fox Farms Ocean Forest with a water solution which just contains molasses. I use that every other watering, and I am also going to utilize riddleme's "Making It Rain Technique."

Here are some pics in chronological order and I think the growth is amazing!

Durban Ice clones right after being dipped in hormone to start rooting :

Durban Ice Clones and bagseedlings :

Bagseedlings :

Veg Chamber (Closet) :

Bagseedlings a couple of days in Veg :

A little farther along :

Dying clones and bagseedlings a littler farther along (4 daysish?) :

Day 6? :

A little farther along :

Day 10 :

Day 13 :

Day 16 :

Last surviving Durban Ice Clone :

400w HPS Tent Pre-Construction and After :

Hope to see some feedback from y'all and of course any and all questions/comments are welcome. HERE WE GO.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
So, the bagseedlings have been begging to be transplanted, and I did just that. I also transplanted the Durban Ice clone and I did this all with 2 gallon grow bags. They're so cheap! But so effective. Anyways, I have also been donated a fan for my veg chamber and a bag of Exhale Co2 as well. So without further ado, here are some pics.

Bagseedlings before transplant :

One transplanted bagseed and one Durban Ice clone :

2 other bagseedlings that were transplanted into half gallon containers :

Transplanted bagseed #1 (Indica) closeup :

Transplanted Durban Ice clone :

Exhale Co2 Bag and Fan (works wonderfully) :

I transplanted some bagseedlings that I thought had desirable traits, and so I am going to take some cuttings of them and sex them just to make sure I have fems. If I don't end up getting pistils, I will cull the male/hermie. Any and all questions/comments are welcome.


Well-Known Member
Yung here, just droppin some more pics on this journal. I did some FIM'ing and selective pruning on all of my bagseedlings that I have transplanted. Instead of one main shoot I will now have multiple shoots so I can get a clone a little quicker to sex these plants. They are looking great! Just gotta play the waiting game.

I also decided I am going to transplant the remaining 8 bagseedlings that I have into half gallon containers and throw them into flower right away. I don't think they will pan out to be good mothers or even females for that matter, but maybe just maybe they'll produce some good bud while I get some clones sexed and growing for the full on perpetual part of my grow. Without further ado, here are some pics.

Before Pruning After FIM :

After Pruning After FIM :

Mutant Bagseed / Young Ones :

Durban Ice Clone Looking Great :




Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments guys! And thanks Jer, I inherited the PVC for the frame, but next time I'm definitely going to make a wood frame.


Well-Known Member

just scanning this again......

Thats wide ass leaves the Bag seed has ...

I like your set up mate :)

look forward to seeing how this works out ....!

My old PS3 box dose the same job as yours sometimes ;)



Well-Known Member
Yung here, and I got some more progress info and pics for the 4th week of this endeavor. The FIM'ed plants are growing new shoots on the cut site and they are bushing out nicely. I am more or less pruning all big fan leaves that are covering lower growth on ALL of my plants and they are taking on a nice bonsai formation.

I also took a cutting from each of the bagseed's that I have transplanted, and am going to sex them here once they get some roots. The Durban Ice clone is getting very tall and big, so it will be soon when I need to start cloning that one as well. Here are some pics of the vegging plants.

FIM'ed Bagseed growth :

Durban Ice clone lookin all purty :

Cuttings to be sexed :

Veg Chamber :

I also put two bagseeds that I transplanted into 1 gallon containers in flower, to see how they respond to the tent and then I can make adjustments from there.

FOR EXAMPLE, in my 400w HPS I have a duct fan sucking air out of the reflector and I had another fan blowing in air from the other side of the reflector where the base of the bulb was. When the HPS heated up, I noticed that the tent I built would exceed 90 degrees easily within 10 minutes of it turning on. I had a feeling that the ducting fan that I had blowing air in the reflector was unnecessary and actually making it that hot. So I just took the one fan taking air in off the reflector and turned it around. So now I have two exhaust vents with the ducting fans creating a negative pressure system so I don't even need an intake fan! And just as my suspicions were confirmed, I noticed that the tent had gone down in temperature a shit ton. It holds a steady 75 degree temp and it's all thanks to the one workaround of just turning a ducting fan around.

SO, here is a pic of the 2 bagseeds in my tent, they are a week in so they are still small.




Well-Known Member
Sorry for the late updates y'all, but I have some more pics of progress of this grow. Week 5 passed and now it's week 6 (2 1/2 weeks in the flowering chamber). I have confirmed that 3 of the mutant bagseedlings that I threw into flower are female! And they were all the ones that I transplanted into gallon containers, so my gamble paid off. I also found out that my Bagseed #1 that I transplanted into a 2 gallon grow bag is also a female! She is already showing preflowers and she is only 6 weeks in veg! So I took a few cuttings of it and they rooted in a week flat. So here are some pictures of that :

Bagseed #1 Mother :

Rooted clones from Bagseed #1 :

So with those, I transplanted 2 of them into 1 gallon containers and sent them into flowering immediately. I want to see how much one cola can produce under a 400w Hps with a gallon container.

Mychorizal Inoculate in container before transplant :

After transplant :

NOW, ONTO THE FLOWERING ROOM. The mutant bagseedlings are growing at an incredible rate, but I see a few rust spots that are showing me they have a slight Phosphorus deficiency. I am not going to use and sort of liquid nutrients, rather just molasses and water. I want to see if FFOF can handle what I throw at it, with no other nutrients added. I also decided to run an experiment on these mutant women by defoliating them all. So much to a degree where there are very little to no fan leaves left on the plants. This will uncover potential budsites and I think/hope this pays off. Some plants respond well to defoliation, some don't. HERE IS AN ARTICLE EXPLAINING WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT : http://tehbosh.blogspot.com/2010/06/defoliation-high-yielding-pruning.html

I also supercropped a couple of the tops, as they were getting a little too close to the light for comfort. It's not that they can't handle it because my exhaust fan is just fine on the light, as I can put my hand comfortably 4 inches away from the bulb without it burning for extended amounts of time.



Now I know what you're thinking, "THEY LOOK SO NAKED! WHAT DID YOU DO MAN?!" But again, these are the mutant bagseedlings that I don't have any sort of investment of time in. So the fact that they are females is good enough for me to run this experiment. Then I will see what defoliation does to the clones of the Bagseed #1 mother and since I have a perpetual setup now, I can run a few experiments.

I also decided to start cloning my Durban Ice mother and here are the pics of that.

Durban Ice mother before cloning :

Durban Ice mother after cloning :

Durban Ice clones :



Well-Known Member
Oh! And I did a little more research on the rust spots and it's actually sounding more like a manganese deficiency which is what I have the molasses for. Stay tuned for the results.


Well-Known Member
So the deficiency was a combination of Phosphorus and Manganese and since I'm doing this experiment where I water with just molasses, I'm deciding to let it go. All the mutant bag seeds are flowering deliciously, and they are definitely more Sativa than Indy. So flowering will take a little more time. The pictures I'm going to show are from week 6 to 8 of the grow total, but the flowering plants are only 5 weeks in. Well, the most mature one is, all the others are a week behind, and the clones from my bag seed mother are 2 1/2 weeks behind the most mature. So I am making it a staggered harvest for perpetuity! K here are the pics and please, don't hesitate to ask any questions.

Most Mature Bag seed in Flowering (5 weeks) :

Clones from bagseed mother (2 1/2 Weeks in Flowering) :

Other mutant bag seeds in flowering (3-4 weeks in) :

I will be putting the Durban Ice clones into flowering here soon. They rooted and I will post pictures in a bit here. OH AND IT'S OFFICIALLY LEGAL TO PURCHASE AND CONSUME MJ HERE IN CO. BOOM.:hump:



Well-Known Member
So, a week or so ago I kinda fell behind on my watering and as a result the plant's leaves kinda were left to fry. Not all of them, but a good amount on the mutant bagseeds. However, the clones from the bagseed mother are doing great, and it didn't really affect them much. I gotta pay more attention! Any way here is some more pics of the mothers I have, the clones that are ready to go, and the flowering beauties.

Durban Ice Mother

Bagseed Mother

Clones from Durban Ice and Bagseed Mothers

Flowering girls after "accident"

Coming along...

No more thinking because the soil feels sorta wet it's ok. I'm gonna go with what the plant tells me like I always have. Weird how having a crawl space spoils you. It's so convenient and cool, but living in an apartment now is a whole new game. I like the challenge and all in all I'm pretty pleased with how the ladies look. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
So I am very close to harvesting the first mutant bagseed that I flowered about 9 weeks ago. This one is a little a little more sativa dominant strain so I'm going to let it flower for around 69 days. The rest of the bagseeds are doing great as well as the clones from the bagseed mother. They are about 3 or so weeks in flowering. Here are some pics of the one that is close to harvest as well as the mothers in veg.

The smell is fantastic with the mutant bagseed. She smells creamy and the resin glands are just dripping on this one. I'll take some pics before harvest and try to get a better shot with my shitty camera. THE PERPETUAL IS ON.


Well-Known Member
I decided to go ahead and chop the farthest along bagseed down at 69 days and it's been curing for a about 5 days or so now. The smoke is incredibly creamy smooth and just enjoyable with a nice bong. The yield was piss poor, because the defoliation technique I utilized compromised the development of the plant. There is a happy medium of pruning and just all out taking every single fan leaf off of the plant. Again, the smoke and the actual quality of the buds are outstanding, I just didn't yield much of it for this one particular plant. Here are some before and after harvest pics of the one mutant bagseed.

I also bought a 5 gallon bucket, airstone, some tubing, and a cheap air pump to start bubbling my tap water before I use it on my plants. I want to buff out all of the chlorine and other mineral deposits in the tap water before I water my ladies. I also bought some cheese cloth and some rubber bands so I can start making my own nutrient teas with my bucket setup. I'm going to wait on that for a bit until I get all the organic nutes I need.

ANNNND here is the next mutant bagseed to be harvested in the future. I'm going to give her another 2 weeks or so just to plump up and so I can flush real good with some oxygenated water. Check her out...

The clones from the bagseed mother I have are doing fantastic. The leaves are turning purple which makes me think there is a little buildup of something so I'm just sticking with water right now with no molasses. But they are gonna be just plump and delicious....

AND FINALLY, LAST BUT NOT LEAST, I threw in 4 Durban Ice and 1 bagseed clone(s) into flower. I'm excited to see how this Durban Ice grows. I know it's gonna be a leggy one, but the smoke I bet is gonna be out of this world. So after I threw those into flower, I took some more clones from both of my mothers...

No males, just sensi and deliciousness. ANY QUESTIONS COMMENTS FEEDBACK YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Stay tuned for more bud porn and such....
