400w HPS supplimenting a greenhouse. Newbie needs help


Active Member
So, as the title implies I am a newb. Total newb, in fact. This is my first grow. But here's what i got goin on:

A green house :hump: that gets about 6 hours of direct sun and a 400w hps to augment the light to give me a full 12 hour cycle.
I was considering using the MH in the morning and hps in the PM.

I'll have pics up soon.

Anyone have suggestions?


Active Member
So I guess this will be a work in progress for viewers or not. Whatev.....

So I had to move from the greenhouse (hopefully a temp draw back) to a more clandestine place. It's cool tho, the retro fit was easy. Just need to findout if that light I got is gonna work or not....


Active Member
:hump:An enhanced spectrum Eye Hortilux bulb ought to get me through the Veg cycle if I augment w/T5's. Figure that'll give me a couple of months to save my pennies for the 1000w of the same variety.
We'll see.

As for the location issue, it has been solved. more to come.

So, all total I have:

400w HPS enhanced spectrum

A bank of 4 4ft t5's. Currently growing veggies and holy shit they love it. Worth every pennie. I can't wait to throw some clones under em....
*Side note: the veggies I started under flourecents are doing great in the greenhouse. 'Wonder how much of a head start the t5's are gonna give the next batch.

All the proper nutes, Rhizotonic, and terra vegga, and terra floura, from Canna. Some others, cloning gel and so forth, I'll pick up as I go.

I'm using Happy Frog as a grow medium.

Any thoughts (if anyone reads this) on wether natural predators are they way to go or should I just use the pesticides? And don't give me all the whiny shit about eco this and that, I'm solely concerned with the health of my plants and the flavor and effect of the smoke it produces.


Active Member
Added new pics:

First is the closet on day 1. Kinda cheap but who cares? Fucker works.

The others are my cucumbers, cilantro, mystery Grab bag :), tomatoes, and array of Japanese garden veggies.



Active Member
The mystery grab bag is some MJ seeds my boy gave me as a present. they're in there but have yet to sprout. Only been in for a couple days. And post whatever the hell you please :)

I know what the confusion is, the thing about the pics in your thread was a typo. I meant to say "I put those pictures up" not "put those pictures up". Sorry


Well-Known Member
The mystery grab bag is some MJ seeds my boy gave me as a present. they're in there but have yet to sprout. Only been in for a couple days. And post whatever the hell you please :)

I know what the confusion is, the thing about the pics in your thread was a typo. I meant to say "I put those pictures up" not "put those pictures up". Sorry
whats goin on cheif:leaf::leaf:


Active Member
My seeds have yet to come up. Totally bummed about that. On the bright side, my 215 is complete so now I can get em legit. woot. You?


Well-Known Member
My seeds have yet to come up. Totally bummed about that. On the bright side, my 215 is complete so now I can get em legit. woot. You?
just planted my second AkR seed in a peat pod yesterday and my swamped stunted one is comin back slowly. its so stunted tho.


Active Member
I picked the runt of a litter of kittens when I was a little kid cause i felt sorry for it. Damned if that wasn't the gnarliest fuckin' cat I've ever seen. Give the little guy some time, he might surprise you.

...or he might be a total waste of nutes.:wall: