400W - Jock Horror - Mom's Secret Garden


We've literally just started but here's our progress so far, I hope you'll follow along and offer any suggestions - especially you crafty 400 watters. No real pictures to share just yet, but here's the plan and our current progress. Even though I'm not a kid or anything, growing with my Mom is still kind of a trip! Should be fun to follow our crazy adventures...

Anyway, like the title says, we'll be running a pretty small stealth set-up, just a 400w for MH/HPS in the tent and on the other side of our small room we have some 4' fluros for seedlings, clones, etc...

General Equipment run-down:
Lumatek 400w digital Ballast
DR120 Grow Tent
Fluros for seedlings then to a sweet enhanced blue 400w (7200k) MH for Veg and the 400w HPS Ushio Red for flowering.
Yieldmaster II 6" reflector
Fans, filters, blah blah blah

The goods:
5 feminized Jock Horror seeds from Nirvana
Ocean Forest Soil
Just have some Grow Big at the moment, but overall we'll be going pretty light on nutes, just a nice simple soil grow. Maybe something to finish her (i.e. Cha Ching or Gravity) and then maybe some foliar feed like Liquid Light during veg.

- Seeds were soaked for 24 hours, had the heat matt going in the basement (it stays very cool all year down there so we were a little worried about low temps at night) and then did the shot glass method. Next day, seeds were all perfectly sunk to the bottom and and already starting to break apart and show some white root coming out on a couple.

- Seeds are currently sitting in plastic cups w/ light potting soil/ocean forest mix under the fluros, waiting for them to pop. They look nice and toasty, moist but not wet, anxious to see what happens next! Based on how healthy these seeds look, I'd bet we have sprouts on all of them soon.

I can't tell you how ideal this grow room is. A grow tent inside a tucked away basement closet is about the best environment I can think of and we shouldn't have any kind of heating issues at all. So far so good, as soon as they sprout of course, things will move a little quicker.

So for now, just imagine having a grow room.....with your Mom!


Here's the 3 Jock Horrors looking quite nice. Mom has done a damn fine job I think. :) 400w Lumatek w/Agrosun 7200k bulb - plants are loving it. Not a drop of nutrients, FFOF soil. Just obtained some Jack's Classic (duo pack), anticipating greatness.



Active Member
Lookin good grats to you and mom, I have learned most of what I know from my dad lol and the first grow I ever did was G-13 clones dad gave me from his 18 year old mother. I just ordered some Jock Horror should be here in the next few days. Ill be following this.
I also got a Lumatek 400w.


They've been under the 400w for less than 2 weeks now but looking good. I'm not sure for a 1st grow we should have topped them but I figured what the hell - EITHER WAY IT SHOULD PRODUCE NEW GROWTH! The front plant grew strange from the beginning, the stem did a weird curly-q and almost did it's own kind of LST on itself, you can see how it's already created a couple tops and is shorter than the others. We believe this was caused early on as a seedling as the stem worked itself around a big piece of perlite. I'm not going to top this one so we can see what she ends up doing - she could end up being the champ. Back 2 plants toppings are now clones under fluros/dome/heat mat and they appear to be doing well. Back 2 plants are springing back and reaching upwards so I should get a closer look this weekend to see what has developed since the topping. In theory, it should develop 4 tops.


Active Member
I think you did the right thing..topping will make more nice tops and also having alot of Sativa in the JH will help keep the height and stretch down some. Looking good.
Got my JH feminized seeds btw, only took 4 days amazing fast service from Nirvana, very impressed!


Checked on the girls again over the weekend (pictures coming), the 2 topped plants are already back to their original height and appear to be growing 4 very nice tops (Uncle Ben, you're the man!). The other plant - the one my mom calls "Vicky" is the weirdest thing I've ever seen and the leaves on this thing are absolutely immense. We didn't top this one at all and I can already see 3 nice distinct tops - it's the craziest looking stem ever, but gigantic!. Based on what I've seen of them vegging, these look like they will be some nice producing plants - despite rumors I had heard of this being a difficult plant to grow, it's amazing what they'll do on their own when you don't fuck with them. Other than some fish emulsion, these plants haven't had a drop of nutrients. Ocean Forest is some rich ass soil and they have been loving it.

So, as of now, they've been vegging under a combo of fluros and the 400w for about a month and we will probably start to flower in less than 2 weeks. With 5 gallon pots we are letting them get big and bushy before we start to flower - with only 3 we have room to let them have a little more veg time. The plants have been on an aggressive 20/4 light schedule, so they will have no problems starting to flower once we make the switch to 12/12. Mom said she has really enjoyed the vegg stage! LOL I told her the real fun is about to begin! We will be using the Ushio Super Red to flower: http://www.growlightsupply.com/ushio-400-watt-super-hps-super-opit-red-lamp-p-156.html


Here is what the 2 girls in back looked like on June 27th after being topped. They don't look too happy with their legs and arms chopped off - wait till you see the updated pictures from this weekend!

Temps have been running about 74 deg and 54% RH.



Here's a few updated shots from the weekend. As you can see the 2 topped plants are back to original height. The pictures don't do the leaf on this lead plant justice but you can see the size in relation to part of a hand.

Tell me what you think? We plan on vegging another 2 weeks max and then put them into flower. These are nicely vegged plants that are more like bushes, huge healthy stalks with as many as 11 tops. Overall I'm very happy with the 400w we are using and the fact we have kept the height down on these. There could be a couple beasts in here.



Hi not sure if you have finished this one yet but if so how did it smoke... iv just put some jocks in germ and always worry about the end product as im sure most of us do no matter how much reserch we do lol...


Have no idea, haven't even started to flower them (see thread above) but they are looking like healthy producers.


OK, making the switch tonight to 12/12 and the HPS. Mom was all nervous changing out the bulb by herself, but sounds like it went off without a hitch. Anxious to see what the Ushio Opti-Red is going to produce, I'm expecting great things. The main plaint is at 18" now and the other 2 we topped are at 15" so we figured better do it now or never, we may already have some serious tying down to do. We gave them a healthy dose of Jack's Classic last time I was there and we will be using the Bloom Booster as we move forward here. This is connoisseur-grade gardening at it's finest and they look super healthy and bushy.



Here are the 3 girls only 12 days later and the tent is filling up quite nicely. They were just put into flower about 5 or 6 days ago (18" for the main plant, 15" for the 2 topped plants). They were growing about an inch a day in veg/early flower and hopefully they will stop stretching here soon. They are slurping up about 2 gallons of water a feeding between the 3 of them and roots are poking out the bottom of these 5 gallon containers. They are being fed the 10-30-20 Jack's Classic Blossom Booster with no "canna-specific" nutes and are monsters.

Slow and steady seems to be the key to success.


Active Member
Looking good bro. Nice and bushy! I just started mine they just germed and in peat pucks. I only like mine to get to 12" to flower so they end up about 2-2.5 ft at end. Will be watching to see how these go.


Thanks man, yeah I saw you posted on the other Jock Horror thread. They've just been flowering now for like 2 weeks and I hear they are going crazy with hairs everywhere. I'm waiting for some updated pics from Mom and by the time I visit again they'll probably be going on just about a month of flowering. Waiting is definitely the hardest part but I'm expecting great things.