400w mh can i veg and flower under it??

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
hey all, i have had some experience with growing have a couple of grows under my belt, they were only small and were under cfls tho. i am now looking into growing in a grow tent with a 400w mh. what i need to know is can i veg and flower under this bulb?? thnx


You can't really flower with metal halide. I mean you'll get some flowers, but I'm sure they will suck big time. I dunno if you bought the thing yet, but if not you should just get an hps light instead - you can veg and flower with it with great results!

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the reply. i see so the mh would be a pointless bulb for flowering then, wat about with regards to vegging? also it tells me that i can run a sodium bulb of the same ballast would this be any better? i havent as of yet purchased the tent kit but once i know wat to get i will lol... (if the sodium and mh bulbs are no good then i will have to find a hps kit i supose) hope for an answer to this... thanks again


Active Member
hey all, i have had some experience with growing have a couple of grows under my belt, they were only small and were under cfls tho. i am now looking into growing in a grow tent with a 400w mh. what i need to know is can i veg and flower under this bulb?? thnx
you can use a mh for a plants entire life cycle but during flowering the mh won't be AS GOOD AS a hps. The main difference between metal halide and hps is the kelvin spectrum, metal halide emits more light from the blue side of the spec whereas hps from the red side of the spectrum.Hence why matal halide is better at helping plants produce leafy growth rather than flowers.
its normally a matter of preference between growers whether a hps or mh is better for the whole cycle with downsides with each light.
so no metal halide wouldnt be pointless for flowering. and I'm not certain but i think mh halide run off a different type of ballast from hps.
hope that helps


Well-Known Member
HPS means High Pressure Sodium.
Link your tent selection bro, then we can help you out further.

Growing marijuana is all about flowering. If you favor vegging, you can get a very big and healthy plant with little popcorn buds. And if you favor flowering you can get a small healthy plant with massive buds potent buds. Plants utilize the blue of MH and the red of HPS during flowering and vegetation. Some people will tell you that you MUST have an HPS for flowering, and they may be right, but I would flower with a 600watt MH over a 42 watt 2700k cfl any day.

To break it down, if you can only choose one type of bulb, go HPS, You'll get better results than going all the way with MH. Many people go HPS full growth perfectly fine. Supplement with some 6500k CFLs if your worried about spectrum during veg.

Also, most modern ballast run MH and HPS. And you can also google conversion bulbs, that may interest you.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
sorry pasted the wrong tent, right so i think i know wat im doing but ill show you guys and you let me know wat you think.

this tent kit .....http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GROW-TENT-drs100-hydroponics-400w-GROW-LIGHT-FAN-KIT-/260554441043?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item3caa414153

i couldnt find a 4" cool tube, so i think im going to get this cool tube....... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hydroponic-COOL-TUBE-SHADE-5-inch-125mm-NEW-no-bulb-/110522718012?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item19bbaad73c

with 2 of these reducers at either end..... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/REDUCER-EXTRACTOR-FAN-DUCTING-125-100mm-HYDROPONICS-/390182657077?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Home_Garden_Hearing_Cooling_Air&hash=item5ad8b2dc35

last but not least this bulb if the ballast is able to cope with it http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HPS-LIGHT-BULB-400w-400-WATT-E40-SODIUM-GROW-LAMP-SON-T-/370324293595?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Light_Bulbs&hash=item56390c47db.

right guys if you wouldnt mind takeing a look at those bits and let me know what you think?? also if you guys could give me a rough idea of how many plants i could grow in this space?? thanks for all you help.
You can def flower under just MH. Lots of old growers only use MH and lots of info says using MH to flower produces MORE trichomes... May be slightly smaller yield but higher quality green IMO...

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
thanks theworldsmine, always nice to hear peoples opinions. 2bh personally im looking to get a good yield aswell as nice bud so hps will probs be the way.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
can some1 please have a look at what i plan to buy and let me know how many plants they think i can grow in there? and if the setup will be any good. many thanks


that tent looks real nice dude. You should probably get an exhaust fan to deal with heat. (assuming you don't have one already) Inline fans work great! I still recommend hps too!


Well-Known Member
Seems fairly solid. You can grow anywhere from 2 - 10 plants in that space depending on your grow style. Many people like to stick around 6 with that space. Expect yields of 8-12 oz depending on strain and plant attention, maybe more in a good season. TheWorldIsMine is right, blue light does stimulate trich growth. but HPS light does emit blue light as well. One would benefit from the addition of a mh light, or a few 6500k cfls. But to flower with one could mean 1/8th the harvest of bitter, but white weed. It is an option, but an unpopular one.

The setup is really nice, one of the best your going to get with a ~ 3x3ft space.