4th week flower/blue cheese. Need input!!

So I was told the buds should be bigger by now..?
Im just wondering if it's gonna be alright, I can't afford better lights right now=//

Running 2 two tube 4ft T8s
Botanicare- liquid karma and Cns17 Ripe
Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil with added perlite
5 gal pot
And of course a fan



Well-Known Member
Are you using some kind of fertilizer for the bud? like bud bloom or something like that, becauase that would definitly help to increase the amount of bud your going to get by the end of the season.
Are you using some kind of fertilizer for the bud? like bud bloom or something like that, becauase that would definitly help to increase the amount of bud your going to get by the end of the season.
The only thing I'm using is Cns17 ripe and liquid karma..
Should I use like bud candy or something of the sort?
What would you recommend?


Well-Known Member
because of the light youre using your plant will take longer to flower,plus it wont yeild that much unfortunatly.

but you can still try overdrive and bud candy or other products that do the same thing.


Well-Known Member
you will never get big buds with floros special the tube ones. maybe if you got a shit load of compact floros started topping and traning your plants in there early stages of life you would have a bush with multiple nugs instead of one tall lanky plant. or invest some money in real hid lighting


Well-Known Member
You need bulbs that put out low spectrum light (red light) if you want those buds to thicken up. Tube Flouro's typically give off mainly blue light, unless you get 'warm' light bulbs. The plants need red spectrum light to flower, as in nature- late summer / fall (when the plant flowers) the sun gives off more red spectrum light because it is lower on the horizon (much like how a sunset works). 1800k-2400k would be a good range to look for in terms of color of light. CFLs are better than tubes for flower because you can focus the light on budding sites, and budding sites need as much light as possible to thicken and pump out THC crystals.

Edit: As for nutrients you want fertilizers that are dominantly rich in Phosphate, more so than Potash, and waaay more so than Nitrogen. Fox Farm Tiger Bloom is what I recommend to you, that shit is ridiculous for the plants in flower. Also, about how far into flowering are you?


Well-Known Member
You need bulbs that put out low spectrum light (red light) if you want those buds to thicken up. Tube Flouro's typically give off mainly blue light, unless you get 'warm' light bulbs. The plants need red spectrum light to flower, as in nature- late summer / fall (when the plant flowers) the sun gives off more red spectrum light because it is lower on the horizon (much like how a sunset works). 1800k-2400k would be a good range to look for in terms of color of light. CFLs are better than tubes for flower because you can focus the light on budding sites, and budding sites need as much light as possible to thicken and pump out THC crystals.
have to agree
need more light more light = more bud
You need bulbs that put out low spectrum light (red light) if you want those buds to thicken up. Tube Flouro's typically give off mainly blue light, unless you get 'warm' light bulbs. The plants need red spectrum light to flower, as in nature- late summer / fall (when the plant flowers) the sun gives off more red spectrum light because it is lower on the horizon (much like how a sunset works). 1800k-2400k would be a good range to look for in terms of color of light. CFLs are better than tubes for flower because you can focus the light on budding sites, and budding sites need as much light as possible to thicken and pump out THC crystals.
I have all warm tune at the moment.. Can I buy exta cfls to help right now?


Well-Known Member
Read my edit on the post you just quoted...

And yes I would buy 3 or 4 as-high-wattage-as-you-can-find cfls at as close to 1800k as possible and those metal reflective dishes you can pick up for 8 - 10 bucks each. The more wattage you use to flower... the more bud you will get. I typically can pull off about .8grams of bud per watt in my grows.

Also... avoid light spectrum anywhere near like 3k+... it has very little to NO useful light for the plant.


Well-Known Member
get lights gathered up for your next grow or start saving adding more light now will not increase your yield that much if any. you need more light from the beginning