4th week flowering


Active Member
ok so its my 4th week of flowering (first grow ever) i got white hairs all over the place its really beautiful but my leaves are turning dark green and curling is this normal ?


Well-Known Member
pictures? more details are needed. mainly ferts and feeding schedule. i'd bet that your using a fert with high N during flowering is your problem.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. You need to ease up on giving her nitrigen. The plant uses N during the veg stage and very little the first part of budding, then almost none well into budding.


Well-Known Member
Yea if you are 4 weeks into flower you should be giving more P than anything else. I use a 15-30-15 for bloom, and a 24-8-16 for veg..... You should be using a bloom/flowering nutrient now. And I dunno if you are or not, but you shouldn't be feeding weekly. I only use nutrients about once every 2 weeks untill the plant get's to where yours are at now. Then still no more than once every week and a half.

The dark green is from giving WAY to much N. I'd flush then feed with a half strength bloom nute.


Well-Known Member
feeding once a week now is probably fine but you should deff get some nutes with less nitrogen. miracle grow makes a bloom booster that would work just fine if you dont have access to good nutes.