4th week into flower and having trouble


Active Member
so I am into my 4th week of flowering and things are starting to go off.
it started by the tips only turning brown, then the rest of the leave turning yellow from the inside out, sarting with the lower level.

400 w hps, schults 8 14 9 nutes at box strength

could it be N deficient?

if it is nitrogen is there anything I can add to boost it up quickly



New Member
so I am into my 4th week of flowering and things are starting to go off.
it started by the tips only turning brown, then the rest of the leave turning yellow from the inside out, sarting with the lower level.

400 w hps, schults 8 14 9 nutes at box strength

could it be N deficient?

if it is nitrogen is there anything I can add to boost it up quickly

Hey man your plant looks great..no worries:leaf:

Dont worry man its the natural process for the plant to start turning leaf color from green to yellow...its concentrating on the bud/flowers growth not the leafs....

Thats why the fertilizers we use in flower/bud has a low Nitrogen number(1st#) and a high Potassium number (2nd #)

Alot of growers will actually strip off the leaves 4-6 weeks into flower.......you get bigger buds and the inner plant fills in

We have all seen the three numbers on plant fertilizers packages. Did you ever wonder what the numbers stand for? 20-20-20, 30-10-10, 10-30-20, 12-36-14, and 10-10-10. The numbers stand for the percentage by weight of the three largest amount of elements or chemical compounds found in the fertilizer. The first number stands for Nitrogen. Nitrogen is important for making chlorophyll. This is the green pigment that plants use to make sugars. The second number stand for Phosphate (P2O5). This is important for flower production. If the second number is high it should help the plant bloom. The third number stand for Potash or Potassium (K20). This helps in root production. Most fertilizer are balanced or the numbers are equal. If the numbers are not balanced then the product has a purpose that is different than a general fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
Yea just let em ride to the finish,, mite be toxin build up in pots. but too late to flush,,, they should be fine tho
yellowing does occur during this stage.


Well-Known Member
Dont strip the leaves, thats stupid... the buds get all the suguar and nutrients from the fan leaves. that why they are turning yellow, the buds are sucking all the nutrients from them. TRimming the fan leaves is a huge mistake!


New Member
Dont strip the leaves, thats stupid... the buds get all the suguar and nutrients from the fan leaves. that why they are turning yellow, the buds are sucking all the nutrients from them. TRimming the fan leaves is a huge mistake!
No its not..as they turn color they are useless... they waste the plants energy .....remove them

During the vegetive growth the leaves provide nutes

I removed alot of the fans leaves on my plant ...I do it in fazes.... you can see its time to remove some more fans leaves....by the time I down the plant... its solid bud on a stick;-)




Well-Known Member
if your planning on cuttin it in the next 2 weeks, hurry up and flush now if you really want. quite all nutriants and only use pure water ( i use a mix of carbonated water and distilled). and the night before you harvest, keep low humidity and a higher inbox temp. you trick the plant into thinking the next day will be hot and super bright. the plant will increase trichome production to reflect uv rays. harvest before the lights turn on so the plant doesnt soak up the water and sugars again. you'll have a better smoke.


Active Member
thanks folks, I think I will start flushing in week 6

They are norhtern lights and where told they would be up to 9 wks, and they where kind slow at first.

That is why I was kind of worried, i expected the yellowing stage to still be a week or two away.


Well-Known Member
i just posted same problem, and i'm in 4th week too. your buds look tremendous compared to mine!! but i have a 250W , i swear its the lighting!! still pissed i didn't get bigger when i purchased. looks good though. i wouldn't worry at all


Active Member

I have also been putting 1 tbl spoon of molasas per litre of water and nutes, I think that has added some size too!


Active Member
HAHA I'm on crack, I just checked my calender and I am on 5 1/2 weeks in !!!!!!

Sweet, harvest way sooner than I thought!!!

Fuck ya