5 days into 12/12 and problems??


Active Member
i water once every other day or every three days depends on how dry humidty is at 60% it has got worst timer went bad and just got home and lights were still on an hour over cut off time


Well-Known Member
Dont use water from the hot water tap, It's full of heavy metals, best to warm it up by placing water bottles in the sink and fill surrounding area with hot water until warm, but not hot.


New Member
Dont use water from the hot water tap, It's full of heavy metals, best to warm it up by placing water bottles in the sink and fill surrounding area with hot water until warm, but not hot.
no need to do that even, just run the tap for 30secs or so, fill up a watering can and leave it sit for 3days, all chlorine has then dispated and metals have sunk to bottom its ready to rock then.