5 Plants 42 days in flower


Active Member
Here are some pics of our 5 females in flower. This is our first time and I know they dont look right but we would like other opinions :blsmoke: They have been flowering for 42 days. For our set up we are using a hydro hut deluxe with an oscilating fans and all vents open. The temp has been around a constant 75 F and humidity at 60% usually. We have 2 -400 watt interchangeable MH/HPS lights. MH for veg switched to HPS for flower. The final pots are 3 gallon pots. The soil is Miracle grow with an extra scoop of perlite in each pot. We started feeding them sparingly (once a week) a week after we started flowering. The nutrients are Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger bloom. For our second grow were using all fox farm soil and nutes. I know theres a lot wrong but please comment away guys Im looking forward to some info thanks.



Active Member
hay man, your not doing too bad at all!!
usualy, indoor strains flower for about 8-10 weeks depending on the strain.
I would just wait untill about 75%-80% of the hairs on the flowers turn brown. then crop 'em.


Active Member
Thanks man, for some reason I feel like they are behind schedule and unhealthy but I have never done this before so I dont really know if they are good or bad so ill take your word for it:joint:


Well-Known Member
whats about the yellow leaves in his pics? is this just your cam screwing you or does they appear this way also to you standing next to them? if so, this are signs that your pH may be a bit to low and you are in nutes lock-up... which would suck a bit but is manageable:)


Active Member
No its not our camera (our camera is really bad). The leaves are actualy turning yellow. I thought it might be nute lock up like what you said. We just used this product called clearex and leached the soil. Hopefully this helps. When do you think we will see a change if that was the problem? Thanks for the info. We have 13 more skunk/white widow seeds we just germinated. Ill post pictures of them shortly. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
if you just do it by guessing changes could show up first in a week, but probably your plant just gone die on you before anything happens.:cry: get at least pH paper to check the pH of the soil:-? and you may try to flush:-| it before you add any pH-up on your soil... :roll:doing this by guessing is like russian roulette with a fully loaded 44mag, not may type of game:spew:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Yellow leaves are very common and normal during the final stages of flowering.. All the fan leaves turn yellow and fall off... It starts form the bottom and works its way up the plant.

your plants do look good besides the yellow leaves and there geting pretty droopy i read u dont want to use nutes when your plants are flowering i would try just giving them water for a week or so and u mite want to do sum prunin to get light to the lower leafs