5 plants with a twist.

Ok. Im running two strains. My very own i call first of many. Its a white widow cross grandaddy purps. And im also running thc bomb from bomb seeds. I love thc bomb.
I have one of each strain in a dwc tub. From seed.
I also have two thc bomb clones in coco.
And have 1 first of many in my own mix of soil.
Made up of my own worm castings. my own compost. Soil. Coco. Perlite. Works well.
One of the clones in coco i put in early flower. The others will make for a great grow with plenty of interesting posts to come.
Well every thing is running great. Plants are lush and loving life.
Only issue is i cant figure out how to post my pics so use can enjoy my adventure with me.