5 weeks of flowering


Well-Known Member
My plants are doing very well in the harsh climate that is the UK.
But I have a few questions...

The buds are forming nicely with the exception of 2...
If you have a look at the attachments you'll see pictures of the buds blackening and not growing properly. Could this be mould? I had a couple of baby caterpillars growing on a few leaves right down the bottom of the same plant, I looked inside the bud but found nothing...

How much should the plant be trimmed during the later stages of flowering? I have removed all dead matter and also small yellow leaves from the bottom of the plant. I have heard some people say they remove the largest fan leaves as well... Is this a good idea?

Superthrive... Some swear by it, some dont. Is it worth using it at this late stage?

Let me know guys and check out my journal for loads more pics



Well-Known Member
That DOES look bad. Is it affecting all of the buds? Doesn't seem to be in the pics. If it's just one or 2, can you try pinching off the affected ones? Be a shame to lose 'em now without a fight.
I'd really like to know what that is. There are alot of really knowledgeable folks here, maybe one of them will enlighten us.

I used Superthrive on my grow. Don't know if it helped, per se, but I can tell you that it didn't hurt anything. And as for lopping off those fan leaves, DON'T DO IT!! Those leaves are photosynthesizing their little asses off, so that the plant can produce bud. If it aint broke, for gods sake don't fix it!!! I fell into that mindset and nearly fucked up my entire first grow!!

GrowSpecialist put it the best way I can think of:


Well-Known Member
That's bud rot. It's a mold that will wipe out your entire yield even if just some of it is around when you are drying the buds or after drying during curing or storage.

You are in deep shit trouble. Start reading about bud rot.

I've never had it before, that's more of an outdoor problem and you don't see it indoors unless you're really doing something wrong. Has that plant been in a lot of rain?
You may have to make hash out of the whole thing to salvage anything off it at all, but do some reading.

Maybe you can use some type of spray to keep it from spreading to the rest after getting rid of what's already rotten, but if you look closer inside other buds you might find it's starting on all of them.

I feel bad for you man...


Well-Known Member
It has a rained a little recently.

They have been force flowered in a shed and I'm moving a dehumidifyer in there today.

I'll cut off what's rotten right now...


New Member
cut all of the bud rot that you can out of the buds before it spreads even further.
Your on the verge of the stuff infecting other plants or ruining that entire one.

dont smoke that shit either, It can make you sick as a dog.

Likewise posting those types of things in fdd's journal may not be such a keen idea either. He gets slightly offended when you go to his journal just to take people off of it to your thread.


Well-Known Member
Likewise posting those types of things in fdd's journal may not be such a keen idea either. He gets slightly offended when you go to his journal just to take people off of it to your thread.
Well this is about the biggest weed emergency a grower could ever have and you can't just call 911 for emergency assistance. I think in this case something like that should be forgivable.

Don't just clip the bad buds, do the dehumidifier, add some fans, look into an antifungal spray while there's still some time before harvest.

Maybe you'll be able to spray to save the rest of the crop and there will be enough time till harvest that your smoke won't end up tasting like crap from the spray.

I bet you won't leave plants in the rain during flowering ever again.


Well-Known Member
and the superthrive i only use during veg after potting-up, dont know if its true but ive heard that superthrive can slow flowering if used beyond veg????


Well-Known Member
and the superthrive i only use during veg after potting-up, dont know if its true but ive heard that superthrive can slow flowering if used beyond veg????

Could be! I used it through out the grow, and
i'll tell you they took thier sweet time in flowering!!! It was a Sativa (i'm pretty certain) but still it took a while even for a Sativa, and never did get to where the majority of the pistils turned. Still really good bud tho.............


Well-Known Member
Likewise posting those types of things in fdd's journal may not be such a keen idea either. He gets slightly offended when you go to his journal just to take people off of it to your thread.
Sorry for posting on fdd's thread but I wasnt getting any reply and was in hurry to get to work on the problem.

GroWell > Bud Rot Stop dont know if itl help but its worked for me in the past. its been really wet and humid here lately eh...... the nights are getting cold now too, are you north or south uk?
I'm in the south west. Bud rot stop is £20, but will buy some asap if I see any more...

Well the shed where the plants are force flowered was gutted this afternoon. I took everything out and cleaned it. Had a dehumidifier and large fan running all afternoon to dry the room out. Both are on a timer and will be on for 45mins every hour overnight to keep the plants dry and the air circulating.

I cut all the bud rot off and was extra careful when removing to prevent spores spreading. I can't see any more on any of the other plants and will keep a close watch on them from now on.
The suggested harvest time for Hawaii x Skunk #1 is 7-8 weeks. They have been on 12/12 for exactly 5 weeks now.

Wish me luck


Well-Known Member
its just what the guy at growell tells me, i try not to believe what the salesmen say too much but this guy does know what hes talking about, and if he was like most growshop sales staff he'd be telling me to use it throughout to make me buy it more often, he also says it can taint the taste of the final product if used for too long, its good stuff tho, like i say, i use it at 1 drop per 5ltrs to water plants after potting-up and i dont seem to get any transplant shock or stress, they just keep growing as normal after transplants.

Could be! I used it through out the grow, and
i'll tell you they took thier sweet time in flowering!!! It was a Sativa (i'm pretty certain) but still it took a while even for a Sativa, and never did get to where the majority of the pistils turned. Still really good bud tho.............


Well-Known Member
your shed could be the source of the mould/rot spores, especially if theres any rotten wood anywhere on the shed?


Well-Known Member
your shed could be the source of the mould/rot spores, especially if theres any rotten wood anywhere on the shed?
I can seem damp in there at times...

Although I use the term 'shed' lightly. It's a brick outhouse and not made of wood. The resevoir for the dehumidifier is filling up so it's clearly doing the trick


Well-Known Member
Staropramen;1301569 I'm in the south west. Bud rot stop is £20 said:
I can seem damp in there at times...

Although I use the term 'shed' lightly. It's a brick outhouse and not made of wood. The resevoir for the dehumidifier is filling up so it's clearly doing the trick

it probably is very damp in there, especially if your de-hum res is filling up quickly, bricks and mortar can harbour mould and fungal spores too just as rotten wood.
sw uk youl probably get the frosts last, sw is the best climate in the uk for outdoor growing. if you was in the north you might not have the time to finish the plant before the frosts come, especially if its a long flowering sat.


Well-Known Member
It is a sativa hence why I started force flowering to get things moving before the frosts come.
I have bought a Digital Electric Thermometer & Hygrometer to will give me min and max temps and humids in the shed.

What is a good level of humidity to stay well under for flowering?
What about temp?


Well-Known Member
35-55% id say is fine in flower, my flower rooms been pushing 64% past few days but my plants are all in their first two weeks of 12/12 n no bud yet so its not really a prob, right now my indoor temps are 25-27*c lights on. 19-21*c lights off, more or less spot on.