50 litre Coco Grow


Active Member
Hey all,

Just thought I'd share where I am with you at the moment.

As you can see I'm getting a bit of discolouration on some of the leaf edges - Advice appreciated, although I think it's a Mg def.

photo (18).jpgphoto (19).jpgphoto (20).jpgphoto (21).jpgphoto (22).jpgphoto (23).jpgphoto (24).jpg

Would love to hear your feedback!


Well-Known Member
Just straight coco? Im no expert but they look good. I started using a coco/soil mix and love it! I use worm castings, coco, and a little bit of starter soil. I also soak the coco in a super thrive mixture. I wont be goin back to plain soil now that I've tried this


Active Member
Yeah just straight coco - i was apprehensive to use any ferts in the mix so i can control feeding a little more.

Saying that they may have a bit of nute burn at the mo, but I'm not too worried.
to me it looks like they may need a lil calcium i would use about 300ppms solution with 100-150 ppm being calmag the other half being ur normal npk mixture. coco doesnt like to be completly baren of nutes even for seeds. if u have been feeding it i would flush completely if some of that u think is burn. then add the 300ppm solution.calcium can look like nute burn and mag will look like ur low on N. but if anything i would just flush and add call mag and only feed every other watering at 5.8-6.0ph. after they get good roots ur can bump right up to full feeding what ever your mother was being fed
i just double looked over ur pics n i could have used a better picture that gets the bottom of the plants to but from what i see there it definatly needs cal mag if it was just burn it would start at new growth. do ur leaf edges kinda curl up like a conoue? the pics arent great but it looks like more mag then cal but they go hand n hand in coco. u definatly need cal mag in coco. even on the days u dont feed and only water u should still use calmag anywhere from 150ppm when they r small in veg up to 300 ppm of calmag or a lil more in flower depending on strain some will demand more mag it will even give u some red in ur stem as the problem continues. hope everything goes good for u but they look real good man no need to worry seems like ur doin good
Anyone here ever topped stems after fimming?
i have topped after fimming when i grew out a dark star in a 4x4 scrog. it works fine but i had to use a trellis net to spread out the plant because it had so many branches. i wish i still had the pics to show u it truely was a awsome grow. actually one of my best


Active Member
Thanks for this..... I'm gonna get some cal mag tomorrow and feed on just that and phd water for a week, then flush methinks. I'm looking forward to topping, just fimmed today and i reckon them pots will help the root mass needed