500w CFL?


Well-Known Member
yeah probably. thats how much mine are. but i have two just in a 4 sq foot space. you have more like 8 so i would go ahead and use all your lights...
see what you can do with what you got small grow for you to grab smoke from those lights will be alright but you will be out by the end of the week..lol


Well-Known Member
damn 10,500 lumens? so 21k from those, 8 sq ft x 3000 lumens is 24k... i would still use the others your about 3k short of the minimum


Well-Known Member
thats the size of the tent but with lights in it its 18"w 55"L and thats light bulb to light bulb . not sure how i got 6 sq ft
check what kind of hps is it???a ssecurity lamp?check the color temps on it and lumen output if avail if its close horticultural bulbs get it


Well-Known Member
i was looking at em today at lowes and they have 3 hps light ballasters one horizontal that says 70w but the 100w and the 150w bulb fits in it.
and two vertical ones that wher 100w and a 150w witch one should i get?
get 100 watt for a 100 watt ballaster not something less to fire up more watts..i dont know much about those but htg supply got a 150 hps for 69.99 for plant growing not a security light