5th Week In Flower, This Is All There Is.....


Well-Known Member
Mixed as per the instructions on the bottle. Something like 2tblsp per gallon. Yes, I am not there and that makes it difficult. My wife doesn't have the greenest thumb but she is personally invested in making this work as well, so she is learning right along with me. These are her plants to. Not something I am doing on my own or dragging her into against her will... lol

I just got a message from a dedicated super soil user and he is pretty positive I am overwhelming my plants by putting them in straight super soil straight from clone. Next run we will be putting the clones in a quality bagged seedling mix and letting them get some size to them before transplanting them into the nutrient rich SS. I need to let nature happen instead of trying to baby them to death by giving them more than they need right out of the gate.
Yeah if your just starting out then advanced growing techniques will bite you.


Active Member
Just wondering why it doesn't fry them to a crisp....

Pretty damned well explains why the plant that upped and died had no roots. I burnt the damned things off.

I need to just do what i do with my vegetables. They stay in seedling mix on nothing but water for the first couple month of their lives. Then get transplanted when they are over a foot tall into my personal growing mix. Odd how one simple little plant will make you want to over think the whole process and care it to death....


Well-Known Member
Just wondering why it doesn't fry them to a crisp....

Pretty damned well explains why the plant that upped and died had no roots. I burnt the damned things off.

I need to just do what i do with my vegetables. They stay in seedling mix on nothing but water for the first couple month of their lives. Then get transplanted when they are over a foot tall into my personal growing mix. Odd how one simple little plant will make you want to over think the whole process and care it to death....

Because vegetables dont get you high

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
i think those pots are way too big for a plant of that size it would take 2 weeks for a plant to use all the water in that pot. once a plant becomes over watered it uses less water (unhealthy plant uses less water) then it just just gets worse very quickly.


Active Member
I pot my clones in 4" pots and from 4" pot to 2 gallon pouches. Should I have a intermediate pot size of like a gallon and then re-pot to the 2 gallon pouch a 2 weeks or so before going to flower?


Well-Known Member
I pot my clones in 4" pots and from 4" pot to 2 gallon pouches. Should I have a intermediate pot size of like a gallon and then re-pot to the 2 gallon pouch a 2 weeks or so before going to flower?

I use 3 1/2'' then 6'' then 5 gallon for the grunts and if it's a mother then it goes into a 7 gallon. Read all you can about just growing roots and how important they are. If you can grow a nice root ball you'll get a nice plant. That and lighting and proper nutes and everything else.

I just started using tea's and growing mycorrhizanes and foliar feeding them the tea right before I top feed them. Seems to help my roots a lot since I started doing that.


Active Member
Bernie420 is on point,plus for 8 weeks veg,look like you may be stunting them,and they may not like topping,try LST alone.

stress+over water


Active Member
The batch in flower are what they are. They will finish out there last couple weeks under 600w HPS. Try to salvage what I can. Will be going a different route from here on. The clones I already have are ready to be potted up so the wife will re-pot them today into 1 gallon pots in a nursery seedling mix we can get from our local greenhouse (with a 1/3 more perlite added to it). I go home on Tuesday, so Wednesday I'll be taking cuttings to clone. I want to narrow this strain down to the best producing plant. But until I get the plant producing I won't know which one to select. Guess I'll have to hit up my hookup for another couple ounces to hold me over until the next batch flowers. I have FS's Pure AK and Grapefruit beans on the way. Would like to get the major kinks ironed out with this current batch before I plant them. Have Mountain Kush beans germing now. Also purchasing a new hygrometer. Out of curiosity she stuck it in a house plant she watered yesterday and it read dry when it was still obviously wet to the touch.

Will definitely be doing a lot more reading. Especially on promoting good root development. Any particular threads or articles come to mind that you'd consider competent information? There is so much bullshit out on the web that is pure crap. Sometimes it's hard to find good info on specific topics.


Active Member
There is solution growing in soil and that is me fucking with the plant less and letting it do it's thing. I am not going hydro.


Well-Known Member
Once you get them going under the hps they will bulk up alot. I would pot up next time so you don't overwater. I start in solo cups then 1 gl pots then 5 gl buckets to finish. I let them get a little rootbound before potting up. Good luck!


Active Member
T5 fluros arn't very powerful lights, you want them within inches of the tops of your plants or the distance between will basically cut your useful lummens to nothing. General rule is keep your light within 12'' of the top of your plants with HPS, I usually keep my 1k's within 16'' of the tops of my plants with good air circulation. with fluro's you can get away with 2'-3' inches. The closer it is the better your plants will do the more lummens they will utilize from the lights. Aslong as your hand can take the heat off the light so can the plants, Hold your hand above the heads of the plants and if its ok for ur hand its ok for your plant. Use comon sense. Id say the lack of bud development is due to the light being so far away atleast a big part of the reason.

Hang your lights on chains so you can raise / lower them as needed. Make a reflector out of some 2x4 & polly so that it forces all the light down from your lights & none gets wasted, Few things ive learned that dramatically increase your yields & growth rates by utilizing your light to its full potential.


Active Member
I have an adjustable shelf in the cab. When I am taking pics I put them down so I can snap descent shots. The rest of the time they are within a couple inches of the tubes. But this could be a high light demanding strain and the T5 is part of the reason they are stunted. But I think after conferring with people here it's more a product of over watering, early heat stress and planting sprouts directly in full strength hot super soil.


Active Member
It is what it is for the girls in flower. Next time they are dry my wife will flush them with 5-6 gallons of pHed RO/DI in the sink and allow them to drain until there is nothing coming out and then call it good on water until they are dry again. 2 of the flowering girls are still displaying nute burn and the one that isn't burning is so green it's almost black. Hopefully a good flush will leech out some of the excess N. It's been a week since they were watered and she is going to wait until they start looking a touch droopy to ensure they are truly ready for a healthy drink. I talked to a couple people who grow this strain and they say it's a long finisher..... like average of 10 weeks in flower under HPS. So I think I have a little time to play the "I'm sorry" game and give them a comfortable last month or so and hope for the best. Even if this group produces nothing, the learning experience is priceless.

The clones on the other hand I have a chance to salvage and possibly turn into good plants. Yesterday my wife re-poted her two little clones in a quality nursery seedling mix cut 1/3 perlite to 2/3 soil. She gently shook loose as much of the super soil they were in and re-potted them back into their 4" pots with the new soil. She did the same with the 3 bigger/older clones but potted them up from the 4" pots they were in to 7" pots with the new "cooler" soil. It hasn't been long enough to see if they are pleased with the move. But as of 24 hours later they don't look too pissed about it either.


First thing - I am also an organic, T5, indoor grower.

When you vegged, how far away was the T5 from the plant?? It seems that they are that short, and are having some troubles, simply because they were so light starved during their veg stage. Now, trying to flower, there's just not enough juice to get them to really go.

Also, from what I have experienced and hear, is that you have to tack an extra week+ onto your flowering with T5's. The spectrum is just not as strong, so it's best to LST your plants with the light an inch or less from the plant canopy...keeping in mind that you want your canopy as even as possible so they don't grow into the lights.

Hope that helps...the HPS will wake those girls up, that's for sure.

Happy grow,
