5th week into flowering fan leaves yellowing and dropping some flower leaves too help


Active Member
Ok so its about 5th week into flowering everything was going fine up until flowering. Fan leaves are yellowing and dropping, I know this could be normal as the plant is taking nutrients from leaves it is no longer using but some flower leaves are turning yellow and shriveling. Ph is close to 6.5. I am using a aerogarden to grow in and switched to a 250w hps system when it outgrew the light for the aerogarden. Its still in the aerogarden as its being used for its hydro system. Any help would be great.
some buds look unaffected some look messed up as you can see from these pics (the last pic is so yellow because of the light)



Well-Known Member
What nutes are you using? Very important info.

It looks like a serious lack of Nitrogen to me. The damaged leaves will all die and fall off soon but you can at least stop it from getting worse. The only problem is that high levels of nitrogen in flowering could slow down bud growth, delaying your harvest.

That plant has another 4 weeks to go easy, so I would figure out a fix before it's too late.


Active Member
i dunno the name brand ( i think its a no name) but im using ultragrow ultramicro ultrabloom hydro nutes. should i just put in a higher dose of ultra grow for now because that has more nitrogen? what would you recommend getting to get this thing healthy again?


Rebel From The North
dude you need to get some nitrogen in them and remove the dead leaves. also aerogargen and a PH of 6.5 you need to be in the 5.5 to 5.8 range with hydro.
so a nute lock up would cause some of this. start a flush and start a ph range of 5.5 to 5.8 and start adding light nutes and work up to a higher feeding program.
they look bad and would be surprised if they fully pull through. but good luck


Well-Known Member
Possibly root bound. How often do you need to add water and are you adding plain water or more nutes? Also possible insect problem attacking roots causing plant to be unable to take up nutrients. I have had both issues in the past both looked like this. Also try lowering your ph to 5.5. 6.5 is okay for a soil grow (soilless) still on the high side but okay. Hydro likes a little lower ph. I agree it looks like a nitrogen issue but both other reasons will cause a nitrogen issue as the plants can not take in nutes.


Active Member
ok thanks i was unaware that the ph should be at 5.5 in hydro so ill put some ph lower in and give it some more N i dont think its an insect problem as i dont see anything on them. i appreciate the help. ill keep you guys posted on how it goes.


Rebel From The North
ok thanks i was unaware that the ph should be at 5.5 in hydro so ill put some ph lower in and give it some more N i dont think its an insect problem as i dont see anything on them. i appreciate the help. ill keep you guys posted on how it goes.
wait wait dont just adjust ph you need to flush whats there out first then add nutes at a lower dose and work up


Active Member
ok started flushing with distilled water, i am kinda confused from here(sorry first time hydro grow) how long do i have to flush for? how long should i not use nutes? should i start adjusting ph now or wait till flushing is complete? should i remove dead leaves now or wait till its done flushing? from other people i heard not to remove the dying leaves because the plant is sucking nutrients out of them and will drop the leaves themself if no longer needed. do you agree?
I would give it a good flush first may be a gallon or two just ensure it can run off freely. Check to see if your pots are big enough by looking to see if they are root bound. If they are root bound carefully repot them into larger pots. Dont blast them with your nutes as that will just add to the problem and possibly make it worse by giving them nute burn, I would hit them with around 500ppm and work up from there however this is just my opinion. Re the PH, I tend to find about 6.2 works for me however loads of people have their own techneques. I would also give them regular flushes every weeks or so, just remember to ensure it is free to run off or the plant will drown. Hope this helps. Oh and yes I agree that you should remove the old leaves as soon as possible.


Active Member
Ok, will do. Gonna have to go back to soil after this, as I don't have the time or patients for this Haha. I hope this lil girly pulls through so I don't feel that the past 4 months have been a waste. Atleast all the equipment was free heh.


Rebel From The North
hydro isnt hard theres just some simple guide lines #1 PH 5.5-5.8 try if at all posable to have that.
#2 adjust how many times you water them and thats it. #3 watch your ppms and it will do the rest.
hope you dont give up on it so soon!! from your 5 posts and join date you have been reading and
watching but when you need answers, go ahead and ask and maybe this could o beed avoided


Active Member
Lol I dunno why it says I joined in 08 literally made the account right before my first post. I am just used to putting a seed in a pot of dirt and leaving it on my balcony until the end of summer and collecting a nice big harvest. I had the same problem last year in soil but just not nearly as bad(this is because the only ferts I used was the miracle grow soil) so it was most likely lackin N . I just decided to get some more free stash this winter cause my girlfriends sister gave us the aerogarden and her dad let us borrow his hps (for our strawberries hah) but I didn't really do much research before starting, n didn't start before it was too late. You think I should keep using the nutes I have now or go out and buy something more suited for me needs? What would you use at this point?


Active Member
And what do you mean by adjust the amount you water? Iv jjust been filling up the aerogarden resevoir to where it says and rinsing out after it gets below the add water point And then repeating. Iv been adding nutes everytime I replace the water. Should I be flushing in between?


Rebel From The North
And what do you mean by adjust the amount you water? Iv jjust been filling up the aerogarden resevoir to where it says and rinsing out after it gets below the add water point And then repeating. Iv been adding nutes everytime I replace the water. Should I be flushing in between?
there was a thread I read where a guy converted a aerogarden to bypass the lighting and pump options. he used a CAP nft-1E or i guess any timer that
would allow you to turn of the water for a bit


Rebel From The North
such a large plants in a very small amout of water would make a ph issue from hell with all the add back. with some DIY you could conect it to a larger res