5th week of flowering not sure what this problem is.


Well-Known Member
Take 2.
I've taken photos with my HPS light off because in my haste I missed that very simple rule posted at the top in my first thread. (Thank you to the moderator for deleting on my request so I could do it right)

So these spots have been around for a couple of weeks. They were only on one or two leafs. The rest of the plant looked great so I ignored the issue. I've noticed it's slowly progressed to a few more leafs and from the looks of it one higher up leaf has a marking on it.

I've included 4 close photos of the worst leafs plus one full plant photo. On the full plant photo you can see the yellow stuff on the bottom left leafs and one closer to the top. But overall I believe Wilby(First plant so had to name her) is looking good and with only 3 weeks left I'm not sure if this is a big stuff up or just a learning step.

Feed Info.
Soil Medium
Feed is Flairform GreenDream 1 (6ml per 1 Litre is what i'm using.)
Stats are..
Nitrogen 2%
Phosphate 2%
Soluble Potash 6%
Cal 1.4%
Mag 0.6%
Sulfur 1.2%

For the last 1.5 weeks i've also been adding blackstrap molasses at 1teaspoon per 2liters.

Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
She looks very healthy overall. I wouldn't be overly concerned with a leaf or two. She might be a tiny bit overfed, but not serious. I don't use as much molasses as you do. I use about 5ml per 3 gallons, but if it is working for you , carry on. Like I said, she looks very nice.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback. I'll cut the molasses back I think. I read it was a good way to add basic sugars and stopped researching at that point but the over feeding could and is probably coming from the molasses as it has a lot of CalMag and Iron in it that I didn't realise.

I'm feeling a little better knowing someone else thinks shes looking good though. I have been second guessing and re-reading guides over and over this last week.