6 plants outside


Well-Known Member
so I decided to try something that I guess most of you guys would advice against. I took 6 vegging plants from my growroom and put them outside. I put some of them in holes together with soilmix and some of them in pots. the last frost should be behind us and the temperature should be averaging at 40 degrees.

Im not using a gps or anything, and I think Im going to have a hard time finding them when I go hiking in a week or so.

quick question though: Ive spoken to some people and they tell me that they harvest in september. any of you guys know of a method I could use to harvest earlier. I was thinking July or something, when theyve had time to grow.



Well-Known Member
the only way u can harvest early outside is by covering the plants at a cartain time at night and uncovering them evering morning say like cover at 8pm then unocver at 8am so u cut the hours of light down to 12/12