60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
funny, he just dropped me off. he took me over to see his new place. very nice. it comes with free bunnies. bunnies running all over the place. it's a rental so he has to leave them there but i can go visit whenever i like. :)


Well-Known Member
bunnies, little cute furry bunnies. i tried to catch one but it dove thru a hole in the fence. it went and hid with the chickens.


Too many brownies
bunnies, little cute furry bunnies. i tried to catch one but it dove thru a hole in the fence. it went and hid with the chickens.
if hes got chicken...he needs to start making his own organic poo teas....or you can. I can only imagine how that would smell.....


Well-Known Member
they smoke green crack out there..... sometimes its hard to see whats really being said,

i bet with 1000 dollar bills you need to move like the bunnys


Well-Known Member
You dont get it, if trenton uses the back yard too, he will be able to afford the lambo, next grow.

If the clones dont die