600 watt cfl is that enough?


Active Member
todAy i went to walmart and got myself 4 42watt cfl lights wich are equivalent to 150watts each total thats 600watts that also a total of 10,100 lumens is that enough to veg 5 plants for 3-5 weeks or might i need more cfls
im getting a 400hps light for flowering and the grow room is about 4 ft tall dont know how wide or how much square ft. yet.
all those cfls you bought you could have bought a 150 hps for 69.99 dollars.more lumens and less watts.plus the hps will make better buds


Active Member
that didnt realy answer my question but thanks anyways so is that enough or should i get more.


Active Member
its referred to as only 4x42 because the 150 is the incandescent equal. Are the the correct spectrum? I think you need more lights to veg your plants. Dont let them get to tall you dont have that much space.


Well-Known Member
It depends on how big they get whether that's enough. Probably won't be enough after they get bigger but you'll notice you just don't have enough coverage and growth will be slow, annoyingly slow if there's not enough light.

Don't buy more cfl's though, you can finish veg with HPS and CFL's or buy a 150hps to add online for $20.


Well-Known Member
first..that 600watt shit..get that out of your head..i had the problem before too...u have 42x4=168..thats MORE then enough to vegie with and you could even flower too..i know because i have flowerd a WW with 2 65cfls..ur right on track its all about lumens...i know hps is the way to go but some people cant afford it...you can get big bulky buds with cfls too...seamorebuds wrote a book about using cfls and is a member of this site if there is anyone who would doubt that...if i was you..i would add a few more cfls and dont let them get to tall because cfls cant penetrate enough....id say 10 or 12 inches...get a few more maybe 12.....that is 6 hook ups with a spliter in each...if you can get a hps later then flower with it...if now you can bud with 12 cfls....take a look in the CFL fourm and you will see LOTS of good cfl grows.good luck bro
do the math 12 more 42 watt cfl bulbs at $7-9 a peice over 90 dollars..hps 150 watt 16,000 lumens 69.75....if you ask me hps is cheaper no more adding bulbs instead of spending money every time to add more lights..oh and i veg with a 150 hps flower with a 400...


Active Member
Don't listen to them, theres a guy in icm.com named LIFELESS that got 4 oz from 4x42's in 2 inverted 30 gallon rubbermaid tubs painted flat white, he had good genes though(can't remember the exact strain he used). I've noticed theres a lot more negative ppl on roll it up, just my opion though. You can beef that 1 or 2 more to have say 210w or 252w and that would be ok aswell. Good Luck to you and don't ever let someone tell you that wont work unless they know from experience, I mean GOD did give us FREE WILL. PEACE


Active Member
alright im vegging 2 for rite know thanks peoples.:weed: i have its half a week in2 veging im sprouting the other seed as we speek.
Don't listen to them, theres a guy in icm.com named LIFELESS that got 4 oz from 4x42's in 2 inverted 30 gallon rubbermaid tubs painted flat white, he had good genes though(can't remember the exact strain he used). I've noticed theres a lot more negative ppl on roll it up, just my opion though. You can beef that 1 or 2 more to have say 210w or 252w and that would be ok aswell. Good Luck to you and don't ever let someone tell you that wont work unless they know from experience, I mean GOD did give us FREE WILL. PEACE
4 42 watt cfls will not get you 4-0z ..never not possible.....
you will never get 4 oz off cfls.you need like a 1000 watts of cfl to do so..not equivalent watts neither..one hps will work better and cheaper
how 150 hps 16,000 lumens,1 42 watt cfl 1800 lumens even if you get 8 you still wont be adding up to the lumen output of the hps..you will spend way moreon bulbs in the long run...2 200 watts are 400 watts not 150 watts...200 watt eqivalents are only 65 actual watts so how can that compare????please xplain??? people just dont get it more light from one light uses the brightness of that light so the 150 hps brightness is 16,000 lumens...cfl;s brightness will be only at 1800 lumens that aint shit....


Well-Known Member
I should have said ~15000 lumens. 1 42w cfl is 2600, mine that I use to veg are, here's a link to some that are 2850.


They all add up pretty close. I have never tried the large CFL's so I didn't know the actual watt bulbs to compare that to around 9k or 10k lumens ea, I think they are 125w actual but often sold as 200w or whatever the hell some marketing goon said they could put.

Anyway there are cfl gurus who have grown easily upwards of four ounces with that or less. Search for Dr Budgreenjenes on ICmag or I'm sure there are many here too.

Anway I don't use cfl's any more I tried them and they sucked in comparison to my old MH and HPS's I used to have so I quickly grabbed some free 250w halides off craiglist a while back.

In my opinion cfl's suck too, that's why I suggested the 150w hps for $20 but there are growers who can teach us all a thing or two about what CAN be done with just cfl.