600w 3x3 tent, first grow, og kush x jack herer, bubba kush


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Hello everyone! Started my first grow, it's been almost 2 weeks since the little ones have popped their heads out and everything is going smooth and just as planned :) I'm currently growing og kush x jack herer that I have received from a patient at the collective I volunteer at and also bubba kush. I have 9 og x jack and 2 bubba currently thriving! I'm hoping for at least 6 girls, but 9 would be ideal so i can fill my tent 1 pot per square ft.

My setup is, 600w HPS with a sun system supply blockbuster hood, perfect for the 3x3 tent.
For vent, I have a 6" vortex 424 cfm and I bought a light dimmer to control the fan speed.
They're currently in 2 gallon grow bags filled about half way with also 3 in party cups.
Temps are sitting at 73-79 degrees with humidity ranging from 36-40%. The humidity changes often with this crazy weather were having.
Medium is soil, FFOF and my nutes are earth juice grow, earth juice bloom, bat guano, and black strap molasses.

I had the seedlings growing under the 320w hps since I have the dimmer ballast, but since switching it to the 400w, they have grow a lot. I can put the light pretty close too since the fan keeps the temps down a lot.

I can't post a picture yet, cause I'm writing this on my phone, but I'll try and get those pictures as soon as possible!


Active Member
My Setup

OG x Jack Herer with some purp in it O_O

Another OG x Jack Herer

My little tykes in the party cups, also OG x jack Herer

OG x Jack Herer

Bubba Kush


Active Member
So I've been doing a lot of reading, and have read that the Earth Juice line lowers the ph usually. I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest for the soil with some perlite and I don't have a ph tester. Is there some way to balance out the ph? I've heard of aerating the nutes 24 hours beforehand, but I don't know if that is effective or not.


Active Member
Thanks! I am having some issues with some leaf deformity on my bubba kush :/ 1 set of leaves are fine, but the ones that are growing in seem to be twisted and mangled :( I don't know what's wrong with my baby! Same with one of the OG Jack's in the party cups. I'm attaching pictures now!

Other than that, everything seems to be growing at a steady pace now! Just bought my air stone and air pump for my EJ nutes and have already added the dolomite lime as a topping agent. Hopefully by the time I have to use the nutes, the lime would have done it's thing and stabilize pH.

This one's the bubba with the deformed leaf set :/

This is the slow deformed OG Jack :/

Anyone have any idea as to why the leaves are being mutated?


Active Member
My humditiy is pretty low now. Around the 20-30%. I've added 4 solo cups with water to bring some humidity, but it doesn't seem to be working much. Any other cheap household ways to raise humidity?

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
some seed's just make a few mutated leafs then show ordinary leafs after 2nd node. i got a few with contortions/bending warping and whatnot in the past. that bubba looks funny.


Active Member
So I fixed the humidity issue by lowering my vent and putting bowls and cups of water in there. It's at a steady 35% which I know isn't ideal, but it beats having ultra high humidity. I'm just glad that my temps and humidity are lower rather than higher than optimal.

Anyway, i decided not to add any nutes until my leaves should some yellowing for N deficiency, but some of the leaves are curling up on the edges. Not a lot, but just a little, do you guys think it's somethin to worry about?

Pics coming soon! Oh my they have grown.


Active Member
I read online that it might have been a heat stress issue. So I went ahead and raised the light to around 12" rather than 6". It's fun watching these babies grow! Gives me something to look forward to other than seeing my girlfriend :)


Active Member
My guess was that the leaves curling up could have been heat stress, so I raised the light to about 14". Hopefully this will have a better effect. I have already seen some growth since 1 day of raising them. Also, no nutes have been added still, but some of the girls are lighter than the others. Possible feeding next watering. Gotta bubble the EJ soon! Also, does anyone have any idea how to use bat guano in the stage for flowering?


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Decided not to do the EJ this round, but maybe the next watering. Some of the plants are a lighter green than the others so I'm gonna wait. Still have some of the leaves curling up on some of them, hopefully they will spring back soon, but there has been some vigorous growth. Makes me so excited :)


Active Member
My plants are showing magnesium deficiency. I'm going to stray them with Epsom salt but I haven't even gave them nutes yet. I'm using the earth juice line and molasses, do you guys think it will fix the problem?


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Here are my babies :) Day 25 from seed. Checked the pH of my nutes after aerating them and they were reading really low. This was after 30 hours of bubbling. Decided to test it on the plant with the deficiency and the plants in the solo cups. Drooped for a little bit then bounced up and looking great as ever. Woke up today and fed the rest of the girls, ever if the pH is still low. My reader is probably off, or the lime is balancing out the pH. I got that "Checker" from Hanna, my recommendation, don't ever buy that piece of shit :)

Tried my first attempt at FIMMING (as you can see) and tried topping one. Just need an osculating fan and a gnat prevention control system. Any suggestions anyone?


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A little update, they're on week 6 now officially as of yesterday. This was taken in the middle of week 5 so they've bulked up quite a bit since then. Really frosty will healthy GREEN leaves :) Trying to keep them green til harvest!

I plucked off a portion the other day and when it dried out, it was rock hard. I tried some, and it gave me exactly what I expected, a VERY potent heady high :)



Well-Known Member
congrats kush is sometimes difficult jack also is for moderate growers things can only get better with time :leaf: