600w 4x4 tons of pics! Perpetual grow....


Well-Known Member
Thanks, the BW is fine... I got a clone from a friend of a friend... anyways, it was littered with mites. After all of that got taken care of I realized the clones I got were kinda shit. So, they are being phased out.

I do have a BW 10 days into flower now and another waiting in my veg tent, they are cuttings from that crap clone and they seem to be doing well.

As for the smoke, it's a good daytime bud. Doesn't fuck with you too much but will keep you on the couch if you let it. Once I get up and going it's not a problem to keep active for a while. It smokes great and has a rotten papaya undertone taste. Good in a joint because it's not too harsh. Just smoked a bowl and did some chores.

Overall it's not too heavy and the high only lasts for an hour or so but it's not harsh at all so going back for multiple hits isn't a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
It's just a cheap tower fan from Amazon. I think I picked it up for $30 shipped. Holmes, I think that's the brand.