600w multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
i need to stop showing the bunk and just capture the sucess. i feel showing the failures helps others learn from my mistakes so i mah have a "fail grow" but in actuality im just showing everything which is something im sure alot of people dont do
same here i show a lot of my BS and my good stuff although i try to highlight the good rather than the bad.


Well-Known Member
lookin good matt! i like the dual bucket idea. i hope that pump is powerful enough...def wana see pics! lol i still gotta show u guys mine...anyway keep up the good work! im jealous of all your genetics, i have never worked with anything other than the one strain, which was a bagseed! lol...

keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
im running out of genetics :( need to get a order in soon. your welcome to come get some blue cheese or fruity chronic juice clones whenever just let me know. you got my #


Well-Known Member
me too. im about to cop cali connection during the attitude promo and im thinking about a small order with SOS for WOS landrace afgan, skunk xxx Th seeds, and white skunk by white label.


Well-Known Member
ok so im debating getting a 1000w dimmable grow light kit and moving my broken (will only fire the MH) 600w kit to a new grow box (will be buildign a box to accomodate the 600w as my stealth dresser is far from big enough) this will allow me to use a couple bulbs in my DIY CFL hood over my cloning station and run HID in both veg and flowering room.


^^ heres a link to the kit i want to purchase.

i will be buying the supplies to re do my cloning station into a dual 5 gal aero flood and drain type system as i described above. the pump will pump through the PvC frame and sprayers in the bucket then drain back into the rez. a;lready got the buckets just need to pick up some PvC stuff to make new frames. im going to go relativly simple on the frame. will post some pics of my design tomorow


Well-Known Member
Alright well i made my cloner and it came out pretty good (i think) im going to do a quick run through with some pics and then i have some pics of the grow..

first pics are supplies

needed some PvC
4 way

5 gal buckets with lids

rubber gromits

whiskey and beer

i used a circular saw to cut the PvC but if your not comfortable with a circular saw i dont recomend using one as PvC has a nasty habbit of kicking when cutting it this way and you could get hurt if your not used to operating a skill saw.


so first thing first i cut a trial hole in the lid to make sure the net pots fit, they were a bit loose but i wasnt too concerned. one bucket ended up with 9 holes and the other ended up with 8....what can i say i wasnt really to concerned.


after that i drilled a hole in each bucket and put the rubber grommits in, then made a PvC T and inserted one end in each bucket.


then i started building the frame inside, pretty basic 2 elbows one 4 way and some end caps


alright now that the frame is built and the sprayers are in i found a piece of plywood and drilled 3 holes in it to accomodate the intake for the pump and the drain. so the water pumps in and sprays the clones the drains back into the res.


filled the rez, put the pump in, added clonex


and then i just put the plywood with the buckets on the frame i built and hooked up the hose going from the pump


and thats about all there is to it, was actually pretty simple process. and heres some random pics


and there it is guys my dual bucket aero cloner, let it run for about an hour straight yesterday and only had one small leak around one of the grommits, i was able to remedy that with a small hole in the plywood right were the leak was running down the bucket.


Well-Known Member
what pump are you using? you are getting adequate spray with the sprayers at that height from the pump?

also, what schedule are you running? 24/7 on would be optimal now that root zone temps should be lower. also those bucket are white and will let light through i would throw some foil tape around them.

if it where me i would build a similar design but it would house way more clones, use 4 buckets, use fog/mist sprayer and 1/3hp sump pump:) smaller the cloner and more compact the harder to design. thats why i gave up and went to bubble cloning and rockwool. i want to build another aerocloner but i need to get the right pump first..... of course at the the right price for one of my small designs.


Well-Known Member
and heres the grow. still nothing really great going on right now.

heres a rooted clone.


the Fruity chronic juice, getting pretty big

bleh was going to do another big update thing but just going to post some pics , everything is going well the plants seem to be liking the general organics lineup.

IMG_3963.jpgIMG_3964.jpgIMG_3997.jpgView attachment 2391181IMG_3991.jpgIMG_3992.jpgIMG_3993.jpgIMG_3994.jpgIMG_3995.jpgIMG_3996.jpgIMG_3984.jpgIMG_3988.jpgIMG_3989.jpgIMG_3990.jpgIMG_3973.jpgIMG_3974.jpgIMG_3976.jpgIMG_3977.jpgIMG_3980.jpgIMG_3981.jpgIMG_3982.jpgIMG_3983.jpgIMG_3968.jpgIMG_3972.jpg

put a couple pics of my DIY CFL fixture im using in my veg cab, thing is pretty dam bright


Well-Known Member
im just using a 400gph pump, the pray isnt what i would like it to be but its still wetting the stem of the cutting so it will do the trick. ill keep the light think in mind for the white buckets but to be honest unless it causes a issue i probabaly wont bother.

eventually when i get some extra cash im going to probabally get another pump for the cloner and use the one i have now for a small 2/4 bucket aero system but thats a while down the road. right now i need to come up with a little over 300 bucks to buy a new 1000w light kit and a bigger tent so i can expand the operation. also in need of some more soil @ 20 bucks a bag. im probabally going to re hash the soil i used for my outdoor grow for now as i dont really have the finds for new stuff and a tent and light kit are top of the list i dont want to spend any money i dont have to untill i get that ordered.


Well-Known Member
out of my comfort zone right now, just wish i could be with my garden.....really hate not having my garden in my house...shit is my therapy for stress. Just hanging with my plants


Active Member
If you need seeds lemme know.. I could ship you a few beans... I'm afraid if I don't crack mine soon they will shrivel up and die.. I got a couple AK-47 x Blockhead I could spare ya