65+ 1kw Soidro Gro


Well-Known Member
hi guys, i thought i'd share these with you. it's the last indoor project before spring outdoor plants :p.

65 nebulus seeds germed on a paper towel. all but five of the 70 some odd seeds germed in 24 hours, and the best have been planted in some off brand lowes dirt amended with perlite. a lil water, superthrive, and hygrozyme wicked from the bottom produced 63 sprouts in 18 hours.

these will stay in cups until they show gender, then males will be culled, as will females in excess of 48. they'll be vegged under a 1kw for a week or two, then placed in flower. sex should show about two weeks after that. after females are selected, they will be transplanted into the flats, which will be filled with perlite. timed drip, drain to waste from a 15g res.


AN hammerhead

these seeds should produce purple plants, and take 7-8 weeks to flower. we shall see :D



Well-Known Member
LOL i didnt realize i already talked to you about small breeders hahahaa so thats your strain youve been working on, GDP nice. ok yea lol im a fucking stoner for sure


Well-Known Member
LOL i didnt realize i already talked to you about small breeders hahahaa so thats your strain youve been working on, GDP nice. ok yea lol im a fucking stoner for sure

gdp is a cali clone elite. this is not related in any way to gdp, totally different bloodline. nlxww, double back crossed to nl, then crossed out to romulan, and a male from each generation was bred back to the black mother. in the last batch (f5) i found one black male. next generation i will be guaranteed 100% blacks with little or no variation :D.

thank you for the compliments guys! :hump: