6800 watts in a 12x14 room


Active Member
I am just wondering I have a 8x light controller and i am going to put 5 1k lights and 3 600 watts in my 12x14 flower room. I have 8 ft ceilings and I will be doing about 24 plants. will be under a net and will start at 4 ft and trained to stay with in a few inches above the net. My question is with this much light in this area do I need to worry about putting the lights real close to the plants or can I just hang them say a foot down and not worry about losing much?


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering I have a 8x light controller and i am going to put 5 1k lights and 3 600 watts in my 12x14 flower room. I have 8 ft ceilings and I will be doing about 24 plants. will be under a net and will start at 4 ft and trained to stay with in a few inches above the net. My question is with this much light in this area do I need to worry about putting the lights real close to the plants or can I just hang them say a foot down and not worry about losing much?
Huh? Cooled hoods? Cool tubes? Bare bulbs? Honestly, can't visualize how ur gonna pull this off :/


Active Member
what you mean how can I pull this off? lol. 6 are enclosed air cooled hoods and 2 are cool tubes. I have 5 in there now and going to add 2-3 more. I do 10-14 under a net 5 ft wide by 14 ft long. and then a 5x6 with about 6 - 8 on the other side now. but the real question was....if I have that much light in such a small area will I need to worriy about getting it on top of the plants