6days old seedling. leaves turned a bit upwards.


Active Member
Ok Done ! Then What ? :bigjoint:
Lol he said "don't give nutrients if you never tried them before" hopefully he was born using them with that strain cuz he'd never be allowed to give nutrients if he followed that advice.. It's not bad advice, It just wasnt worded right and I like to be a smart ass about everything ^~^


Hello again, it's day 19.
She's recovering from being topped and nuteburn caused by some smartass advice heh ;/
Feeded her once last week, just to try, used 1/4 dose and still got huge dameges :/
that's how look overall grown, not to huge but it's still a progress.
i start thinking it's gonna be a long long weg :/ my lowryders in the past were
almost ready to flo at this time ;/
i lsted 4 main nodes am focusing on, but as said b4, they grow rly slow ;/
plant is 4 inches from light source, 74F keeping well atm.
Now shes getting pure water phed at 6.5, tap water is arround 5.5-5.7
Hope to see some more grow this upcomming week :)
Cheers to all interested in my mistakefull adventure :)