7 foot outdoor plant, being brought indoors help?!

we brough it in last night, its in a 5 gallon bucket, its jsut started flowering couldnt tell ya which week, its just bagseed from what i know, we have a about 5 cfls, 2700k i think, heres my questions

1. were not tryin to get the dankest dank, just tryin to get a good high, wat nutes can i put on it, id prefer spraying it, cus were growing in some nasty as north carolina clay mix

2. are the light sufficient for on space, the room is like 4' x 3 1/2'x 9'

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
find a place outside and leave it....feed a bloom nute that is like 10-30-30...or something simialar....foxfarms big bloom and tiger bloom. once a week.....

grow space

Well-Known Member
u need a shitload of cfls, at least 15 or more, more is always better...if u can find some hps power and use cfls as side lights to get it all covered nice and well!!!



Well-Known Member
Relocate it outside where it won't get stolen. You don't have the lights to support a 7' tall plant.
it cant go outside, it will get stolen i promise, i think were fucked, itll still produce, i just dk how much though, wish i could take some pictures, its ghettttto, no body ran there mouth either motherfucker, so dont tell me to keep my fuckin mouth shut, my buddy bought it, and were ju st tryin to finish it without it getting stolen, which is gonna be hard


Well-Known Member
There's definitely some stupidity goin on here. Heavy bass & thc4ms do you know each other?

To address your problem, get a 400 watt hps, or about 500 watts of cfl's positioned strategically around your plant. Otherwise it won't finish very well. You need at least 50 watts per sq/ft of plant to produce anything worthwhile & 100-200 would be much better for your yield.

Wish you could have finished her outside. I understand if you did what you had to do. I had a friend deal with something similar last summer. But then again, he was talking too much when he was drunk & people started stealing his plants.

Did you tell a bunch of people dood? ;)
i think im screwed, luckily its not my plant, and no i dont know that person that was hatin, i wanna grow dieselryder, i dont care about the smell, and i wanna do it in a pc, anyone heard, of anyone using hid in there or just too much heat? can i please get some links, to some blueprints or diy growboxes, i been on here all day, and havent found one that suites me yet


Well-Known Member
HATIN LOL keep your kiddie grows to yourself bro AND HEY ROMBOOM420 YOU SPELL DOOD DUDE STONER but i guess thatsy they call it dope
I did that on purpose. DOOD. How about you get the fuck off this board or at least wait to talk shit until you have 500 or so posts under your belt so you don't sound like a total neanderthal moron.


Well-Known Member
i think im screwed, luckily its not my plant, and no i dont know that person that was hatin, i wanna grow dieselryder, i dont care about the smell, and i wanna do it in a pc, anyone heard, of anyone using hid in there or just too much heat? can i please get some links, to some blueprints or diy growboxes, i been on here all day, and havent found one that suites me yet
You really aren't makin much sense man. You have a 7 ft plant on your hands & you wanna grow a plant that might yield you a quarter in a pc case? Keep the plant outside & take your chances with it. Take a couple clones/cuttings off the plant & start those indoors, because I don't think you've got what it takes to manage that huge plant indoors. Do you even know for a fact it's a female? :shock:


Active Member
You really aren't makin much sense man. You have a 7 ft plant on your hands & you wanna grow a plant that might yield you a quarter in a pc case? Keep the plant outside & take your chances with it. Take a couple clones/cuttings off the plant & start those indoors, because I don't think you've got what it takes to manage that huge plant indoors. Do you even know for a fact it's a female? :shock:
This is awesome. I'm high as a fucking kite and I feel like I just watched a really good sitcom. If you are just going to let the plant essentially go to waste because of poor lighting, why don't you just let it go to waste because it sat outside? You are asking about an HID light in a PC case, let me tell you. I started my first grow two weeks ago. With 3 plants that I acquired from a feller; I placed them in my fancy grow box PC case with three 26w 6,500k CFLs. Well the one died after day two. Boo hoo. I still have two. Seemed to be doing great. This is also with soil that cost 1.36 from home depot. I was so happy. Well I placed a thermometer in there after day 6 when they were all dead, it was 103degrees in there. This is with the PC intake fan and PC exhaust fan. I was fucking blown away. I have since tried a fish tank type box which was successful for three minutes until it also got to 99 degrees. Then I said fuck it and made my stealth box. It's a subwoofer box that I belt. Big 12" sub on the front, 6inches deep. 20 inches high and 20 inches wide. So 6x20x20 then after that it goes to 14" deep. So, 14x20x20. Three CFLs wireless thermometer. 2 PC fans. Xbox 360 fan set. (dual fans) and a 4" house fan. The dual fans are used on the intake. Then the two PC fans are exhausts up top and the 4" sits next to the plants but flows away from them. This keeps air moving over them but not blown at them. Currently with two out of the three CFLs are on, oh I also added a 4th socket. But two lights are on and it's at 90.5 degrees. It's still too hot for me. The best part is, I looked at the pot that one of three OG plants was in and I saw a seed had sprouted and found another one that had germinated. The one that sprouted is doing very well. It's new leaves are coming in fast. This box is 3 days old now. I have germinated 6 addition bag seeds. I will pick 2-3 females and use all 4 6,500 26w lights after I get the box temp dwon to low 80s. I am leaving for FL for a week to pick up my girl and no one will be here to monitor the box. So I am trying to figure something out haha. Good luck with your 7ft tall plant. I am really fucking high and my mac n cheese just finished cooking. toodles fellow grower. I am not a grower. Or a pot smoking hippy douche. Ok I am.


Well-Known Member
This is awesome. I'm high as a fucking kite and I feel like I just watched a really good sitcom. If you are just going to let the plant essentially go to waste because of poor lighting, why don't you just let it go to waste because it sat outside? You are asking about an HID light in a PC case, let me tell you. I started my first grow two weeks ago. With 3 plants that I acquired from a feller; I placed them in my fancy grow box PC case with three 26w 6,500k CFLs. Well the one died after day two. Boo hoo. I still have two. Seemed to be doing great. This is also with soil that cost 1.36 from home depot. I was so happy. Well I placed a thermometer in there after day 6 when they were all dead, it was 103degrees in there. This is with the PC intake fan and PC exhaust fan. I was fucking blown away. I have since tried a fish tank type box which was successful for three minutes until it also got to 99 degrees. Then I said fuck it and made my stealth box. It's a subwoofer box that I belt. Big 12" sub on the front, 6inches deep. 20 inches high and 20 inches wide. So 6x20x20 then after that it goes to 14" deep. So, 14x20x20. Three CFLs wireless thermometer. 2 PC fans. Xbox 360 fan set. (dual fans) and a 4" house fan. The dual fans are used on the intake. Then the two PC fans are exhausts up top and the 4" sits next to the plants but flows away from them. This keeps air moving over them but not blown at them. Currently with two out of the three CFLs are on, oh I also added a 4th socket. But two lights are on and it's at 90.5 degrees. It's still too hot for me. The best part is, I looked at the pot that one of three OG plants was in and I saw a seed had sprouted and found another one that had germinated. The one that sprouted is doing very well. It's new leaves are coming in fast. This box is 3 days old now. I have germinated 6 addition bag seeds. I will pick 2-3 females and use all 4 6,500 26w lights after I get the box temp dwon to low 80s. I am leaving for FL for a week to pick up my girl and no one will be here to monitor the box. So I am trying to figure something out haha. Good luck with your 7ft tall plant. I am really fucking high and my mac n cheese just finished cooking. toodles fellow grower. I am not a grower. Or a pot smoking hippy douche. Ok I am.
Hey mr. run on sentence, start your own thread so you can ramble to the best of your ability.


Well-Known Member
This is awesome. I'm high as a fucking kite and I feel like I just watched a really good sitcom. If you are just going to let the plant essentially go to waste because of poor lighting, why don't you just let it go to waste because it sat outside? You are asking about an HID light in a PC case, let me tell you. I started my first grow two weeks ago. With 3 plants that I acquired from a feller; I placed them in my fancy grow box PC case with three 26w 6,500k CFLs. Well the one died after day two. Boo hoo. I still have two. Seemed to be doing great. This is also with soil that cost 1.36 from home depot. I was so happy. Well I placed a thermometer in there after day 6 when they were all dead, it was 103degrees in there. This is with the PC intake fan and PC exhaust fan. I was fucking blown away. I have since tried a fish tank type box which was successful for three minutes until it also got to 99 degrees. Then I said fuck it and made my stealth box. It's a subwoofer box that I belt. Big 12" sub on the front, 6inches deep. 20 inches high and 20 inches wide. So 6x20x20 then after that it goes to 14" deep. So, 14x20x20. Three CFLs wireless thermometer. 2 PC fans. Xbox 360 fan set. (dual fans) and a 4" house fan. The dual fans are used on the intake. Then the two PC fans are exhausts up top and the 4" sits next to the plants but flows away from them. This keeps air moving over them but not blown at them. Currently with two out of the three CFLs are on, oh I also added a 4th socket. But two lights are on and it's at 90.5 degrees. It's still too hot for me. The best part is, I looked at the pot that one of three OG plants was in and I saw a seed had sprouted and found another one that had germinated. The one that sprouted is doing very well. It's new leaves are coming in fast. This box is 3 days old now. I have germinated 6 addition bag seeds. I will pick 2-3 females and use all 4 6,500 26w lights after I get the box temp dwon to low 80s. I am leaving for FL for a week to pick up my girl and no one will be here to monitor the box. So I am trying to figure something out haha. Good luck with your 7ft tall plant. I am really fucking high and my mac n cheese just finished cooking. toodles fellow grower. I am not a grower. Or a pot smoking hippy douche. Ok I am.
I do agree with you to take the chance & leave it outside cuz you ain't gettin shit off her with 5 cfl's.
read all you can on here i have been reading on here for a year and a half and have yet to even try to grow a plant. read and ask questions you will find alot of stuff out it takes time you should have left that (7ft) plant out side even if it gets stolen its better then just letting it die atleast someone will get to enjoy it not anymore

what a wast