7 plants250hps from seed toronto420 seedbank


Well-Known Member
Heyy People of RIu !:peace:

so i went down to toronto about a month ago and picked up some seed with my buddy from the toronto 420seedbank i got 10 hindu kush seeds(got11) and 5 northernlightsXskunk paid about $140 for them but the also gave me a 5 pack of random seeed so i was satisfied,

planted the 5 random and 2 hindukush all doing well, ive tried 3 outa the 5 northernlights and none have germinated im not really impressed with that:cuss: im just hoping the other ones germ when i try them next grow,

so im currently using my closet for my grow its 3ftx3ftx 5ft using a 250w hps its not a hydro shop bought one tho got it off one of my buddys, i have a 400w hps i bought from a shop but i dont think this would be a good idea due to heat and cost issues, i will more then likely be using it next time around.

im using advanced nutrients parana and a bit of superthirve when i feed(getting a fish tank soon and will be adding fish water aswell) , and for flower i have big bud, bud blood , carbo load ,molasses and flush.

these pictures are from about a week ago and they had nute burn in some spots:wall: but they really have jumped back also brought the light down alot its about 8 inchs above the plants now , i willl update again soon as i can. :leaf:

any advice or comments are welcome!
im more of an outdoor grower but im getting into indoor.
hope you enjoy!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
38 veiws and no replies !?has annyone else used toronto 420 seed bank ?
what are you experiences?


Well-Known Member
i aslo wont be using superthrive anymore because its an unnecessary expence,
i will taking pics soon as i can get the camera, this is the camera i will be using



Well-Known Member
isnt that MH?
whats ur soil?
the mini white fan there isnt on in that direction right?
whats the heat?
home-mad plywood/mylar box?
and no man i get mine from vancouver seed bank


Well-Known Member
Yes it is a mh my mistake,
soil is a hydro mix I get from my local high times for cheap
dono what ur asking about the fan but I have 2 in there now 1 intake and 1 exaust.
It's not a built box it's my closet coverd with Mylar.
How many times you orderfrom th Vancouver seed bank? And what's ur experiences?

Anyothr comments arewelcome!


Well-Known Member
-actually i go in person to get my seeds at vancouver seed bank
-i started 2yrs ago(closet veg & cabinet flower grow) n recently started up again last 2 months cuz i went on a vacation
-my soil looks like urs but i wouldnt call it hydro
-im asking if ur fan is on directly pointed towads the plants cuz i have a fan like that its way too strong for my month old plants (wind burn looks like nute burn for beginners )
- ive ordered nl#5 and dutch treat x hash plant so far and ive decided to use some bag seed so i have 3 strains
- n still learning, i was gonna move on to salvia cuttings but i think im going towards organic mixes n see how that turns out

- should suggest fimming, just tried it n its awesome


Well-Known Member
Thanks might check out Fimming , and no it was deffinitly nute burn. I said I was new to indoor growing I've been growing weed since I was 14 with my paps. I'm now using that fan to exaust some of the hot air since I've lowered the light, good news is I'm still keepin my planned temp of between 75 &85f


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks icewater I'll deffinitly be checkin it outt
I sure hope most are female aswell


Well-Known Member
I was looking At the Dutch treat x hash plant from Vancouver seeds might just pick some up, ever grown it before? I wish they had just straight hash plant that was an amazing plant!

I will be taking pictures in a few minutes after I roll my self a nice joint. :bigjoint: and they will be posted tonight. I also might fim a cupple of them as I have never tryed it before and am interested


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Lol nice , just fimmed 2 plants(the ones In the blue box ) I am exitted to see the results, I also read about a technique where you take the middle of the last node grown and pinch it with your fingers and it confuses the plant into thinking it has no top so the sides and bottoms grow up as the top repaires itself. Wish I could remember the name of it, :dunce:well anywAys I'm doing that to my Hindu kush(in the white pot) hope to see good results!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lmao i know the park was funny i put it on the very top of a hill n it was the only plant

the finger tech is the same as topping just no sterilized scissors fimming = 4 main stems from what ive heard

also its the best way to control the height of ur plant

r u planning to transplant ur blue box for flowering? if so the roots will be tangled up with the other one. at that height they should be touching

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
38 veiws and no replies !?has annyone else used toronto 420 seed bank ?
what are you experiences?
I've used them before....I bought their XXX WW. Outta ten seeds I got 4 males and 6 hermies. I kept the hermies that were predominately female (2) and let them finish. Still yielded 20 zips from the two plants.

I went back to sublime and complained and they gave me 12 more seeds(XXXWW) for ten bucks. 9 of the 12 germed and are vegging now. Still waiting for signs of sex.


Well-Known Member
sweet i wonder if i went back and complained about my northernlights if they would give me more, sucks they dident just replace but thats still a pretty good discount on seeeds.


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Alright so heres my updated pictures i also transplanted 2 of my plants into 1 pot (dont have any other pots at the moment)
fimm shots in there too.
telll me what u thinkk!


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Alright so heres my updated pictures i also transplanted 2 of my plants into 1 pot (dont have any other pots at the moment)
fimm shots in there too.
telll me what u thinkk!

