70's/80s Rock,, Utube for guitarists


Active Member
some more maiden, i know i ve done this before, anyway

make sure you plug in your speakers



Well-Known Member
This may not be the original line up of stepp, but it's an EXCELLENT version of this song.

How could anyone not love the fireworks going off in the background through out the entire song.



Active Member
ok 70s, 80s, and early nineties rock/country

Civil war



Active Member
ok ill go back to the seventies after this




Well-Known Member
I don't think I've come accross too many people that enjoy both Iron Maiden, G n' R, AND country. That's cool, variety is the spice.:razz:

Personally, I'm a classic rocker. I like a little country, but not a whole lot. I think that for tonight this is the best I can do on that.



Active Member
dont mind some country on road trips,

if i listen to metallica i end up hateing on anyone else using the road at the same time



Active Member
but right now i feel, like a trip, back to the seventies,

when joe walsh, was a young dude, and every one wore hippie clothing, check out this old version



Well-Known Member
lol I'm not as tired as I was last night so I'm gonna take another crack at playing country. True country, this time.


Copperheadroad1, like I said, my knowledge of country is limited, so if you think my selections of that genre are crap then just let me know and Ill stop it, with no hard feelings. All will still be good.8-)


Well-Known Member
This one always gets me.



Active Member
lol I'm not as tired as I was last night so I'm gonna take another crack at playing country. True country, this time.


Copperheadroad1, like I said, my knowledge of country is limited, so if you think my selections of that genre are crap then just let me know and Ill stop it, with no hard feelings. All will still be good.8-)

nah man, keep it rollin along,

anything thats made my actual musicians, not drum machines, or computers is basiccally the requirements


Well-Known Member
Cool beans:bigjoint: But no drum machines? WTF???? Just kidding, I completely agree. Anything with drum machines isn't real music--THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.



Active Member
this aint live, i looked 4 a live performance of this, but had no luck



Well-Known Member
Got this one on my mind today. I Looked but didn't fine a live version with decent sound.
