8-23watt CFL Stealth Grow


Active Member
I havent started my first grow yet, but your plants a way to droopy! They look like they have aids or hiv. Should name them magic johnson! JK just bein funny buy really they are droopy. other than that, the temp shouldnt be below 75(AIR TEMP) I will be growing in soil, the way GOD intended. God didnt create hydroponics! Also, check out you tube and look up the green man! He make his own hydro set up and everything. Very helpful! Also, if anyone is from texas reading this, please visit texasnorml.com and mpp.com. There is a bill going through leg. that would allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes! The only way it will happen is if enough people do there part! Even if your not from texas, you can help us out if you like! Just visit the same websites! The green man shows how to produce a qp every 2 months or so! Thanks for growing dude, everybody needs to grow!


Active Member
bro you have to make sure that when your table drains there is no water left on it your plants look droopy because they are sick i personally think you went to big on the nutes also your cab needs to be a lil warmer and so does your res water. get an aquarium heater and put it under your res try adding some more lights to warm things up or slow the speed of your exhaust fans. also make sure you get that tray where it will drain properly or you will get root rot and everything up to this point will be done in vain


I have 8 23w CFL's in a 6sq. ft. grow cabinet. I use 8 6500k for veg then switch to 8 2700k for flowering. I have roughly 3500 lumes per foot and my buds grow fast and dense. hope this helps


Active Member
bro you have to make sure that when your table drains there is no water left on it your plants look droopy because they are sick i personally think you went to big on the nutes also your cab needs to be a lil warmer and so does your res water. get an aquarium heater and put it under your res try adding some more lights to warm things up or slow the speed of your exhaust fans. also make sure you get that tray where it will drain properly or you will get root rot and everything up to this point will be done in vain
Hey Thanks a ton for the info...first thing tomorrow Ill make some adjustments and see how everything looks in a few days....wierd thing is though, that the plant I was having the heat issues with is just thriving....the heat is already up a bit....resi temp is around 72*F and air temp is in the low 80's high 70's *F

With the nutes the levels are sitting around 1000 and the plants arent showing any signs of nute burn....should I keep the level im at??


Active Member
I modifyed the flood table with a large glass and a propane torch....Now I think that I may need to increase my flood times up from 5 mins every 5 hrs to 5 mins every 3 or 4 hrs cause the roots this morning were lookin a little dried out....The air temp has been around 77*F--84*F and the resi temp has been 68*F--75*F...Plants look like they are doing better now that they have better drainage...Ill get some new pics up soon!!!