8 week old plant 1st ever dont know what to do???


i have this 8 week old plant its still flowering i guess because every time i look at it its still flowering small leaves but it has its full sets of leaves of 9 and i trimmed the bottom leaves i have co2 and im at 50% npk still watering every other day. the plant is about 36 inches. just wanted to know what could be done to start budding...check out the pics and leave me some feed back thanks u guys.....:weed:<a href="http://s29.photobucket.com/albums/c287/tavoe/?action=view&current=GetAttachmentaspx.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c287/tavoe/GetAttachmentaspx.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Well-Known Member
i cant get those links to work.. i think there is a way to upload your jpg here instead..
watering every other day sound a bit too much too me.. you only need to water if the soil is dry 4 inches down...
you can't really induce budding on an outdoor plant.. read more about light cycles during cannabis growth..


Well-Known Member
let your plant get 12 hours of light then cover them for 12 hours u will have to see how much light you get a day then figure a light dark schedual