90w UFO L.E.D Grow LST


Well-Known Member
The plants look over watered. In every pic you have posted, the leaves are severely drooped downwards. That is usually a sign of over watering. try letting your soil dry a bit more between waterings and see if those plants don't start to stand up.

PH: I would not let my soil's PH drop below 6.4 anything lower will lock out Ca and Mg.

I apologize in advance if you weren't looking for advice. I use LEDs myself and have sub'ed your grow. Good luck!


Active Member
yea i agree with that in all your pics the soil looks soaked thru and u said u water every day try leaving it a couple of days till the soils almost fully dried out then water again, plants under leds need less water then hids due to the lower temp i dont see how it can be due to low N if uve been addin more evy day or so, based on that im thinking overwatering aswel
The plants look over watered. In every pic you have posted, the leaves are severely drooped downwards. That is usually a sign of over watering. try letting your soil dry a bit more between waterings and see if those plants don't start to stand up.

PH: I would not let my soil's PH drop below 6.4 anything lower will lock out Ca and Mg.

I apologize in advance if you weren't looking for advice. I use LEDs myself and have sub'ed your grow. Good luck!


Active Member
The plants look over watered. In every pic you have posted, the leaves are severely drooped downwards. That is usually a sign of over watering. try letting your soil dry a bit more between waterings and see if those plants don't start to stand up.

PH: I would not let my soil's PH drop below 6.4 anything lower will lock out Ca and Mg.

I apologize in advance if you weren't looking for advice. I use LEDs myself and have sub'ed your grow. Good luck!
Hey Serapis!
I have been following your grow and am honoured to have you on board! :D
I would have asked for you to check out my thread but didn't want to seem like a needy newbie! Lol

I think you are 100% correct on the over watering!
I usually only water when the plant asks for it (leaves pointing upwards? Right?)

I think I may have over watered this week.

I have only fed 1/4 strength nutes once in it's life.
I have transplanted into those pots and watered with pHed water with a dash of Superthrive 0.75:5000 til the soil was completely saturated and I had run off.
I will water again once I can feel there is no saturated water and leaves start to point up.

At some point, this weekend probably I am going to start to bend over the PE and BW andstart training the plants!
Can't wait! :D

Thank you all!


Well-Known Member
Leaves are supposed to looking alive and pointing outwards, sometimes slightly up. That is natural. Wait until the top 2" of the soil is completely dried out before watering. Your roots are lacking oxygen and that might be part of the uptake problem with nutes. I'd also mix up a weak N foliar feed and begin misting those leaf undersides and getting some N into those plants.

On board and hoping for ya.! Thanks for sub'ing my thread as well!! :)

Pro V1x

+ nice stealthy set up.. after looking at your pictures and reading around, i think i might have over watered this week as well.. or i'm low on N.. gl though!


Active Member
Easy all!
Apologies for the lack of updates, i was waiting til i got a bit more growth and then 12/12.
Well yesterday, day 21 i changed the timer for 12/12 to induce flowering.
Plants are very short from the week of LST'ing they have had, but im expecting them to stretch quite a lot during flower.

I havent done a full node count yet, but will do later on tonight.
Since i transplanted i havent watered the plants yet, and the soil is starting to feel a little dry. There is still moisture in the soil, so not too sure when to water.

Have i changed to 12/12 too soon? Should i let it grow a bit longer?
Any advice is very welcome!

I think they look very healthy with nice dark green fan leaves and they are smelling a bit already!


DAY 22!

Pineapple Express

Blue Widow

BlueBerry Auto

Heres my LSD from my previous grow, still going strong, fighting the freezing cold temperatures the UK offers!
I think another 2 weeks before it is fully ready, but the weather seems to be getting worse, and as soon as the rains starts im possitive i am going to get bud rot.
I think i am going to chop it down tomorrow. Better have something to smoke than nothing!



Active Member
Ive set the timer to 18/6 again to veg the plants for 2 more weeks.
Think that will be best.

I have chopped down the LSD and its drying away now. :)
Sticky fingers! :P


Well-Known Member
lol I love the sticky fingers, never know what to do about it, wash it off or try and eat it cos it smells so tasty XD
let us know the weights and stuff!


i was looking at going led too. my question was is 90w good for one plant but i see it is. at what point if any would i need to change


Active Member
This is what i am trying to find out! :)
At one point, if i am not satisfied with the bud development im going to chuck in 4 24w CFL's into each corner

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I've just subbed to your thread - another LED grower here, about to switch my grow to 12/12 in 4 days time ... then it will be LED all the way to the end with no other lighting, and drawing only 36 watts at the power socket.

Just a thought for your future grows: earlier you mentioned having trouble with roots sticking to the peat pot wall and getting damaged when transplanting ... those pots are designed to stay with the plant, if you repot (or plant outside) the existing pot simply gets planted into the new pot, the roots grow straight through the "peat" pot wall into the new soil ... the "peat" pots are normally made of coir (coconut fibre) or compressed spagnum moss (yours look like the spagnum moss ones made by "Jiffy").


Active Member
Easy all!
Sorry for the lack of updates, been a little lazy with uploading lately!

All my babies are coming along nicely and i have a few things to say about each individual plant and observations i have made.

Since transplanting i have only watered the plants once since then and they seem to be doing very well!


Pineapple Express

Since the very beggining, around day 5, this baby has been producing side branches at a very fast rate!
Has about 12 heads now, not including the main one. A bit more stretchy than the BlueWidow, but very night node spacing nevertheless!
I have noticed a very strange leaf growth with the plant, and in fact, all of them.
Some of the fan leaves are growing strangeley, one side will have an odd number of fingers, and the other an even number.
I have cut away almost all the fan leaves off the PE and BW to get some more light through the canopy and give me more heads!


VERY bushy plant, with extremely tight nodes. I mean, there are branches packed together so tightly,making the whole thing a little bush!
This plant too has about 10+ heads showing already, but is more tighter and bushier!


This baby started off growing very small with super tight node spacing, if any at all!
Started flowering after around 10 days, and since then has just shot up and stretched massively!
Now, you may be thinking why ive bent/snapped an Auto plant, but the truth is, i was very high, and was just admiring the plants, and amazed by how flexible the plants are, then decided to see how much i can bend it, and ofcourse, it snapped.
There has been an amazing amount of trichrome production, with the plant smelling sweet and musty!
Triches are all over the leaves and on the underside already!
Rub your fingers on the leaves and your fingers will be sticky and smelly for hours!
Fingers crossed it will heal up and survive!



Active Member
Day 30 today!
When should i start flowering, looking at the pictures?

Would appreciate peoples opinions :)
