911 Conspiracy

The events that unfolded on 911 were

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New Member
Kind of like the FBI did in Waco after murdering 80 women and children. The bulldozers were in there almost by the next day.

Actually, a friend of mine said that he thought the Oklahoma bombing was a sting operation that went south. He claims that none of the BATF offices in the Murrah Building were occupied at the time of the blast.




Well-Known Member
half the fucking building was blown in half, do you really think that it was safe to be climbing all in the building. I would love to hear the conspiracy theories on this one, maybe you guys can make a youtube video about it?...............we tard we got another theory for you to investigate, maybe you kind find out the real TRUTH


Well-Known Member
I did not see any family members on TV who lost they family members who sit in those two plain which hit twin towers. Always they show ''horror' story on TV like this girl lost Mather and father and today she give us couple coments about her life. BUT nothing happen like that! Ask your self why?
P.S. Maybe aircraft was empty?


Well-Known Member
Hey All !!!!

Not to worry!!!!

McCain gave it to Obama by choosing Palin.

I see the Global Oppisition Party is out of time

PEACE to the world.


Active Member
Sure no problem. I'm going to take that 1st link and turn it into a PDF and send to friends via email. They will be more apt to read it without other NWO stuff in and around it.


New Member
Your link and many others I have read over the years (All called conspiracy theories) make it clear to all but the most specious members of the society, that 911 was an inside job. I have wondered also about not hearing about the wives, husbands, and children of the 2 planes that crashed into the towers. It is concievable that they could fly them remotely, like a predator. They could have just made up the names of the supposed Saudis that flew the planes and sent them out empty with a list of made up passengers, and put some high explosives on board. The reasons were many for this to happen and as we can see, the neo-cons and their minions made billions off of this tragedy, coincidence, I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
glad to see what the fuck the majority of you people voted for, i was beginning to wonder about most people on this forum...


Active Member
youtube 911 demolition and prepare to be sick . no doubt in my mind it was set up . way too many people getting filthy rich off the whole sceme errr.... horrible tragedy . the older and older i get the more i hate what this county has become . it will fall the same as rome did .


Active Member
9/11 was pulled off by Zionists, and I have zero doubt about that. I'll probably get banned for saying that, as it wouldnt be the first time, since it seems to be a sin to criticize zionism, or Is-ra-el.

Type "dancing Israel's 9/11" into youtube, and see for yourself the admission from the mossad agents themselves. they were there to "document the event" well, how could you have been there to document the event if you didnt know that it was going to happen?

Also, israel has a history of false flag attacks, in an attempt to blame arabs.


Dancing Israeli's
USS liberty
Irgun, stern gang
King david hotel bombing.

Israel also continues to build settlements on Lebanese land, which completely contradicts their lunacy of trying to fain being the victim. Hell, genocide, and ethnic cleansing against the palestinians is one thing (80 percent of palestinians no longer in palestine, and only 18 percent of original land of palestine left) but building settlements IN LEBANON? Israel will never stop, until it has achieved its goal, to regain the land once controlled by the devil worshiping, child sacrificing empire of Cannan.

And as for zeitgeist, no need to watch it. Just watch some videos of bill cooper to get the real scoop on things. btw, he was killed, brutally i might add, so for me that affirms he was the real deal.


they used c4 or dynamite and covered it up with planes. planes alone wouldn't have caused the building to collapse. look it up


Well-Known Member
How about why did the plane that "struck" the pentagon happen to hit the part under construction anyway...? Seeing that we never found Bin Laden during our hunt for oil---I mean Bin Laden---Something makes me feel as if the US had more to do with it than the Taliban even...we are the worst terrorists known to the human race...What is a terrorist?---Someone that tries to use fear to control people right? Have you watched the news lately? "What food you used to think was safe is killing you at dinner time?! More at 11"...People that are sick and afraid don't stand up for themselves...thus the way our media works and why we don't have any good affordable healthcare...the only people here that can afford to make waves don't want anything to change because everything is benefitting them. Or like Holy hell our education system is whacked! We are making children become dumber and dumber adults as time goes by...the goverment is doing that on purpose...stupid sick afraid peopel are way easier to trick and take advantage of...and they seldom argue about it...Anyway the whole 911 thing was so we could get control of oil...and what happened when we did? the price went through the roof...Our own government fucks us in ways terrorists never would...it's all smoke mirrors and scare tactics! We all need to do something...and yet I sit here on my couch....not doing anything...I want to run away to canada....think I could be a refugee? "You don't have to live like a refugee"--Tom Petty


Well-Known Member
9/11 was pulled off by Zionists, and I have zero doubt about that. I'll probably get banned for saying that, as it wouldnt be the first time, since it seems to be a sin to criticize zionism, or Is-ra-el.

Type "dancing Israel's 9/11" into youtube, and see for yourself the admission from the mossad agents themselves. they were there to "document the event" well, how could you have been there to document the event if you didnt know that it was going to happen?

Also, israel has a history of false flag attacks, in an attempt to blame arabs.


Dancing Israeli's
USS liberty
Irgun, stern gang
King david hotel bombing.

Israel also continues to build settlements on Lebanese land, which completely contradicts their lunacy of trying to fain being the victim. Hell, genocide, and ethnic cleansing against the palestinians is one thing (80 percent of palestinians no longer in palestine, and only 18 percent of original land of palestine left) but building settlements IN LEBANON? Israel will never stop, until it has achieved its goal, to regain the land once controlled by the devil worshiping, child sacrificing empire of Cannan.

And as for zeitgeist, no need to watch it. Just watch some videos of bill cooper to get the real scoop on things. btw, he was killed, brutally i might add, so for me that affirms he was the real deal.

Hell! Our government knew it was going to happen! They moved all their important documents and gave all the "important people" the day off....Why else were only low level people and such not killed? We even knew and instead of just closing it down to keep people alive we chose to act like we had no idea...even though like I said they had jsut moved all the important documents and people....See!? That is what I mean they think we are all so stupid we won't notice these things and put 2 and 2 together...and with a few more years every child will be left behind and the powers that be will finally have their complete plan...huge movements of zombies as work labor for the 1%


Well-Known Member
on the real i haven't bothered to look it up but after the towers were attacked the first time (most people forgot this because it wasn't deemed a terrorist attack) a NY paper had an article that said the only thing that could take down the twin towers was a commercial airliner. i think it was newsday or the maybe the ny post. i'm pretty sure it was newsday though. i'm pretty divided on this being a new yorker, but why must everything be considered a conspiracy/cover-up?


Well-Known Member
on the real i haven't bothered to look it up but after the towers were attacked the first time (most people forgot this because it wasn't deemed a terrorist attack) a NY paper had an article that said the only thing that could take down the twin towers was a commercial airliner. i think it was newsday or the maybe the ny post. i'm pretty sure it was newsday though. i'm pretty divided on this being a new yorker, but why must everything be considered a conspiracy/cover-up?
Thats funny, especially considering no other commercial aircraft had ever destroyed a skyscraper before. So how do you suppose they concocted this idea? I'm not saying you are trying to deceive us, but if you could link that info it would lend some credibility to your statement. "For reals" just doesn't do it for me.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? What a joke. The sheer statistical probability that so many people involved could not only have pulled off such a conspiracy, and for the decade of following years is astronomically impossible. My roomate is one of those kool aid drinkers and it's really annoying constantly having to hear questions thrown out as if they're answers of empirical evidence, when in fact all they are are questions that not only have been answered multiple times, but prove the "truthers" absolutely incorrect.

Hell! Our government knew it was going to happen! They moved all their important documents and gave all the "important people" the day off....Why else were only low level people and such not killed? We even knew and instead of just closing it down to keep people alive we chose to act like we had no idea...even though like I said they had jsut moved all the important documents and people....See!? That is what I mean they think we are all so stupid we won't notice these things and put 2 and 2 together...and with a few more years every child will be left behind and the powers that be will finally have their complete plan...huge movements of zombies as work labor for the 1%
