96 plants


Someone in my family is pretty high up in Law enforcement and recently told me that his DEA buddy told him that in states like mine with medical marijuana laws, the DEA set a cutoff of 96 plants before they will get involved on a federal level.

Not saying this is 100% truth, I'm not sure, but I thought this would be interesting information for the community.


no not the max per person. for example my max could be 32 plants because I'm a caregiver for people. I mean the feds would take interest in a legal grow over 96 plants

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
It's anything over 99 plants, buddy.

Pretty well known that once you get into triple digits there's a mandatory minimum five year sentence.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i don't get how this really works.

they take a FLIR shot of yoru house and deduce that you're growing, yet won't get inovlved unlesss it's 99 plants (for arguments sake) but just how do the feds know it's 99 plants and as such should get involved? could be a big heat sig and 4 big trees, no more, or there could be 99 plants under a pair of 600w bulbs (that would be a sorry harvest :P)

how do they work out your plant numbers in order to get involved or not?


the feds are bitches and will get involved w/e money and seized property is involved


see, there's one person that's gonna go grow 46 more plants now :) haha j/k

just recently a guy by me got busted with 150 plants, he only had papers for 90 though. the way I look at it, what's the point of being legal if you're not going to follow the rules and STAY legal? I think his electric bill was over $5,000 :-o

I didn't think they did FLIR with all the legal grows here.