96 watt fluro grow


Well-Known Member
ill put a pic on of itt, i didnt think they existed until i bought one lol. its basically like any normal cfl its just extremely oversized. Big ol floro haha


Well-Known Member
lol, i guess its just a bigger cfl and not so commonly used, i wanna get my hands on the cfls they use for store lighting, they replace low bay mh lamps in stores with self ballasted 105 watt cfls (not the equivelent)
the hps lamp you have there, where did you get it, im looking into buying an hps outside flood light and using that to grow. iv found that they are the exact same shit but because its not built to be a growers accesory its so much cheaper and i love fuking around with DIY
plants are doing well, im going to upload some pics soon and ill take a closeup macro of the leaf that got the brown tip and two little redish dots on it, i dont know what it is but i dont see any other new growth that has any of these symptoms, but i want to know if i should remove that leaf


Well-Known Member
here are the pics i promised, i circled the browning leaf and the 2 spots i was speaking of, any ideas or thoughts (the browning is ever so slowly spreading back, you can see this if you look back a few sets of pics)
other than that i think they are doing pretty good
please share any advice, input, constructive criticism



Well-Known Member
here are the pics i promised, i circled the browning leaf and the 2 spots i was speaking of, any ideas or thoughts (the browning is ever so slowly spreading back, you can see this if you look back a few sets of pics)
other than that i think they are doing pretty good
please share any advice, input, constructive criticism
ganga dude! I started with the same setup you did.:mrgreen: Check my journal to see that I relized the only way to go was to add a hps 400w now I use the t5 with 6500k bulbs and the 400hps together and my babes are thick and lush and growing real fast.:mrgreen: good luck dude.


Well-Known Member
Oh that hps? that things just a baby one its only a 70 watt, but i can put a hundred in it. The whole set up is 1 70 or 100w hps, Big cfl, Cfl Floodlight, A normal sized cfl, 2 dual 40w florescent light fixtures. But thats only when they are big enough. They are way too small to be running all that, they arent even as big as yours yet mann. Im only running the dual fixtures and the big cfl. On 24/0. how big should i let them get before i flower? bout a foot? foot and a half? what lol


Well-Known Member
ill tell you what its all worth it though, because i only invested about 50 dollars in that whole system, i only had to buy the big cfl which was $16, the cfl flood light was like 6 bucks, and the hps fixture was 30 bucks. Im a firm believer in growing in soil too, i think that you can do just as good with soil as you can with a hydro system, i think the only difference is one takes a little longer. Your shit will come out just as good if you know what your doing. I know pretty much all there is to know, ive just never started them indoors before, my last one was brought in from outside cuz i wanted to keep it going cuz we got an early frost. Grrrrr Ohio gotta luvv the weather. But hell yeah it works real well and i didnt have to spend much $ so i cant complain. I did the math and all the lights together put out roughly about 30,000 lumens, I dont know how much of that it actually absorbes, but it definatly worked real well


Well-Known Member
im in canada and home depot does not carry their 150 watt or 250 watt HPS outdoor floodlights or any HID wallpacks that they carry in the states
does anyone know where i could get a cheap 70-250 watt hps light in canada
here are some more pics, im watering them today cuz its been 3 days and the soil is dry about an inch and a half down



Well-Known Member
hey guys, i watered my babes about 2 hours ago and the leafs kinda lifted up, they went from just hanging there chillin like usual and i noticed now that the leaf is almost completely straight and the whole leaf is pointing upwards soon
ill take a pic once my cameras batery is charged


Well-Known Member
here are the pics, i circled in red the leafs the change is really visible on
earlier today they where all fine, now this, is this normal, over water, over nute
common guys, lots of view but not many replies



Well-Known Member
im only concerned cuz earlier in the day the leafs where actually fanned out like all the others and they just started crimping up like that about 4 hours ago after i watered
thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
i was just taking a look @ your grow, nice looking plants you got there, it must have been frustrating dealing with getting all your males and hermies first eh? lol
thanks for the replies, its my first grow and im a bit 2 edgy....lol, gonna smoke a splif


Well-Known Member
Great grow so far ! I havea cfl growing 8 26ers i will soom going to 16 for flowering ! Keep up the good work.



Well-Known Member
lol, i guess its just a bigger cfl and not so commonly used, i wanna get my hands on the cfls they use for store lighting, they replace low bay mh lamps in stores with self ballasted 105 watt cfls (not the equivelent)
the hps lamp you have there, where did you get it, im looking into buying an hps outside flood light and using that to grow. Iv found that they are the exact same shit but because its not built to be a growers accesory its so much cheaper and i love fuking around with diy
plants are doing well, im going to upload some pics soon and ill take a closeup macro of the leaf that got the brown tip and two little redish dots on it, i dont know what it is but i dont see any other new growth that has any of these symptoms, but i want to know if i should remove that leaf
check out the $20 hps 150watt from e-conolight.com there is a great thread here to convert it for growing . Go to that site and look in the vapor tight section . They are 20 bucks with the bulb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
check out the $20 hps 150watt from e-conolight.com there is a great thread here to convert it for growing . Go to that site and look in the vapor tight section . They are 20 bucks with the bulb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that looks like a great deal, ballast and bulb for 20 bux, i cant complain, ill go to my hydro store and get a reflector for 30 bux, i can have a 150 watt hps system for 50 bux :D
just want to ask, do you know if they ship to canada??