A Buy And Sell Forum


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New Member
It's been suggested that a buy and sell forum would be a good idea. This forum would not include the selling of seeds or actual buds, clones etc.

Will include everything else...

Think about it before you vote, weigh up the pro's and con's... you might also want to be kind enough to add your views in the thread.

Please vote carefully.


New Member
This forum would encompass the selling of what I imagine would be growing tools. Lights, old ph pens shit like that.

Are there sites that cater for these materials only in a buy and sell forum?

I'm not sure yet myself. I have my arguments, but I like to save them for later on when the thread gets going a little.


Well-Known Member
rollitup need to become a site rather than message board. just like nirvana has fourm and sells products. you then have to make sure you regulate what your users are doing. if they start to do illegal trading and get busted there will be tremendous pressure to pull the plug.

We are becoming a bigger site i hope we dont lose it


Well-Known Member
After posting pic's of growing and talking about what we have done.
Does anyone think giving addresses out would be a good idea????????
I am not for it.... Does not sound to safe..


Well-Known Member
It would be good idea, maybe you should have to have say 100+ posts ? too sell and to buy ? Can see that some people wouldnt want to give there addresses out but thats what the post office is there for, have it sent there and pick it up in person.

And use paypal to pay, though im not to sure if it shows you address or not and i dont use it that much


Well-Known Member
I know some people do want it but my ideas where if we did impose the new forum would be to have a post minimum to enter the trader forum, however it does not take anyone long to get 100 posts.

Rollitup is almost ready to open the store up I just need to add some more products.

As far as security me and the mods do our best to protect you however you are left wide open once you receive the parcel, a PO box would protect you and paypal is good because it does not require you to validate your address. However after its all said and done is it really worth it

cost of the product you are buying ??
cost of a post office box $10
time to setup a anon paypal account 30 mins
sanity = priceless

sorry i had to do the mastercard commercial.

This is your guy's forum if you want it I will add it.



New Member
This is the point... You shouldn't vote yes on whether you THINK it's a good idea, you should vote yes on whether or not you are going to use it.

I mean if you just vote yes because you think it's a good idea but you'll never use it, then your real answer is no.

Personally I think it's a good idea for some, but not for me. I'd never use it, ever. So, after a lot of thought... my answer will be no.


New Member
it would be way too hard to regulate. way too many ppl think there "slick" and im sure it will get out of control quickly imho... its just a bad idea all the way around.. On a weed site anyway.. If it was a PC hardware forum etc then sure it would be a good idea, but not on a marijuana site.. cmon.. use ur head.. something like that would def bring leo...If ya wanna buy/sell items just go to ebay.


Well-Known Member
WTF? is with the fucking lists today? Fuckin annoying. I'm all for a traders forum, IDK if I'd use it though with everyone tryin to rip each other off.


Lol i just wrote a novel. Then realized there was too much crap in it id have to explain better later. Basically i love the idea..also of a donation forum where people can donate old lighting rigs and cfl setups and hoods.

Maybe when riu gets their store up they can have a thrift shop? I mean its a LOT of work for mods...taking in deliveries, updating the storefront with the new items and stuff, taking payment, sending the items and all...but there could be a surcharge..(this would work out great for those innovators on this site...the people that make real good looking vented hoods, and other great ideas that everyone wants to buy but is too scared of sharing addresses and stuff..

Basically i think there has to be a middle man...and its gonna be a lot of work. IF RIU can afford to spend the time then i think a profit could be made..

Rollitup - will you ever have competitions for store credit? that would be very cool. Or maybe discount vouchers for your store..also cool...


ps. IF i made no sense you all know why :P

EDIT: Fixed a million typos. Stupid keyboard :(

Thanks for the +rep :D you are my first +rep i think lol