A Change from LED to HPS- Path Worth Taking!


Well-Known Member
not much really just some veg of the ?purp and gdp, might try to re veg a snowcap as well. i need to find a new place to live before i flower again or i may talk to a buddy and get some stuff operating over at his house. ill just have to wait and see.
He LG long time no see. Still aint found a place yet eh? :-( I hope you get something for yourself, Im sorry but I would never operate at a friends place no matter what... Im not fond of people fuking with my shit.
Hope all is well, good luck on the house hunting. fingers crossed XX


Well-Known Member
hey buddy, yeah i havent been on as much lately but still sneak my way around my subbed threads a few times a week. i havent really been looking for a place to live recently since my place wont be sold for a few months by the looks of things. its all good though since im able to save a good amount of money from work, i still have four checks that i need to put in the bank cause i pretty much am living off tips. my buddy that i would grow at his house is real close and was growing himself awhile ago but got tired of it and had a surgery which was going to stop him from being able to put work into the grow. plus he kept running into some problems. it would be pretty much just one or two grows and i would be basically the only one dealing with the plants. hes got a nice area for it as well which is in a cool place with insulation so wouldnt need much heat control. plus its a big area where i could grow some larger plants. hes going through some problems of his own though so it may not even work out at all.