A Clone For You.


Well-Known Member
would that be something that our type of community (Medi certified) would be interested in? say if i had/could pull too many clones for my garden to handle, would any local growers want a few? not selling just for free, or maybe trade, but mostly give away?


New Member
I'd check into needing some sort of license before doing it. You could just ship them via mail, I know they do that for cuttings of salvia and stuff.


Well-Known Member
yea i didnt make it that far into law checking as it would be (for me) strictly local and with ther being no currency involved and it would be patient to patient, i figured i would see what others thought on the subject. and didnt want to ship them anywher, more of a personal/friend type deal. wher i am the closest place to BUY clones is about an hr. away, not everyone can/wants to make the trip. when bam i got a few for your lil personal medi grow right here.