A Conversation With A Creationist


Well-Known Member
Ahh, so your Al Bundy years haven't began quite yet.

So is your boy a man of faith? He voting Santorum?
My friends call the way we raised my son a, 'cool sociological experiment': no magical thinking was ever introduced; no gods, no santa, jesus, disney or fairy tale lies. The laws of physics always apply, and A is always A. This has its ups and downs. Some of the good consists of his vast understanding of GR and SR, quantum mechanics, cosmology, evolution and biology. I've never seen such critical thinking skills in such a young person. His teachers shake their heads as he often goes into concepts they barely understand. He's very worldly, knows everything about sex and sexuality, drug abuse, and how to protect himself from the dangers of these things. Plus, he's just hilarious, a great sense of humor. Some of the bad consists of him being somewhat of an outsider: most of his peers are brought up christian or jewish, and are filled with magical thinking. We've received angry phone calls from parents resulting from his public debunking of theism and santa. Just the other day he was at the lunch table with peers defending gays explaining how this is natural and not a choice. Because of their religious upbringing, they were all spouting how being gay is immoral and wrong and wholly a choice. He then asked them when they chose to be straight, to which no one had an answer. This kind of confrontation sometimes makes him unpopular, but he doesn't really seem to care. He is constantly perplexed that our world is so backward and ignorant of important concepts, and that even the adults he trusts believe in invisible cloud people. So, we're trying to strike that balance between his being socially acceptable and avoiding the bullshit at the same time. It's not easy ;) See this is the problem of asking a proud papa about his children, he just may answer you...


Well-Known Member
From a 10 year old, that's damn impressive. I didn't start feeling like that or having similar thoughts till about 17-18. Goes to show the power of parenting.

I don't remember if you've mentioned it before, does he live with both parents, are you married to the kids mother? If not, how do you think that has affected his upbringing, if at all?

I'd be terrified if I found out I was going to have a kid, even at this age.


Well-Known Member
I have to think thunderf00t wasn't on his game that day. I was actually feeling a little empathy for Eric. Tf00t did not do a good job gaining common ground outside of solipsism. He was very unclear when trying to explain what he attempting to.


Active Member
I think the first ameba was god. One chromosome floated through outerspace till it landed on this habitable planet. Life will strive to live in virtually any circumstances. If there was a god this world would be a better place. All religions have the same thing in common, an over exagerated fantasy of what god is. The god we know was created in mans image.


Well-Known Member
From a 10 year old, that's damn impressive. I didn't start feeling like that or having similar thoughts till about 17-18. Goes to show the power of parenting.

I don't remember if you've mentioned it before, does he live with both parents, are you married to the kids mother? If not, how do you think that has affected his upbringing, if at all?

I'd be terrified if I found out I was going to have a kid, even at this age.
Oh, it's terrifying ;) It changes you like nothing else. His mom and I split after only two years, so he doesn't even remember us being together. I think that made it easier, no separation anxiety. His mom agreed to raise him atheist, but she still wanted to instill magical thinking in other ways, which I vetoed. His mom and I get along really well, so he's surrounded in positivity...


Well-Known Member
Oh, it's terrifying ;) It changes you like nothing else. His mom and I split after only two years, so he doesn't even remember us being together. I think that made it easier, no separation anxiety. His mom agreed to raise him atheist, but she still wanted to instill magical thinking in other ways, which I vetoed. His mom and I get along really well, so he's surrounded in positivity...
Wow, congrats on finding a woman who can remain civil after a break up, damn. I'd imagine the kid helps that situation.

Why did you break it off with the mother, if you don't mind me asking? If I were in the same situation, I'd probably have a tough time not trying to piece things together if she was as cool as you describe her as, then again, I've heard 1% of the story, so I could be totally wrong.

Is she a religious person?


Well-Known Member
Wow, congrats on finding a woman who can remain civil after a break up, damn. I'd imagine the kid helps that situation.

Why did you break it off with the mother, if you don't mind me asking? If I were in the same situation, I'd probably have a tough time not trying to piece things together if she was as cool as you describe her as, then again, I've heard 1% of the story, so I could be totally wrong.

Is she a religious person?
She's as good a mother as she is shitty a partner, and she's a great mom :) She's not actually religious, she's sort of takes on the belief system of whomever she's involved with. She had absolutely no sense of accountability, and was fairly irresponsible. She's not interesting enough to have in my life if it weren't for our kid. She's sexy as hell, but easy to resist after she fucks all your friends...


Well-Known Member
She's as good a mother as she is shitty a partner, and she's a great mom :) She's not actually religious, she's sort of takes on the belief system of whomever she's involved with. She had absolutely no sense of accountability, and was fairly irresponsible. She's not interesting enough to have in my life if it weren't for our kid. She's sexy as hell, but easy to resist after she fucks all your friends...
...even our taste in women is similar. lol