A cop grabbed my ass today...



So I had to head down to the Sheriffs Department today to get my fingerprinting done and as always, and everywhere I go I carry my knife in my back pocket.

So I go up to the window, which is a line of bank teller-looking cops who don't give a fuck about anything sit and pretend to look busy on the phone, and tell them what I'm here for and mid sentence of "Hi, I'm here to get my LiveSc- ...."

Feel someones hand reach into my rear jean pocket, and pull my knife out with some struggle, puts it on the desk I'm standing at and says "Alright" then walks off into a "secure area"........


Before the door closed I say "Hey thanks!" and put it right back in my pocket (didn't really understand why he pulled it out and he didn't say not to have it)... cop behind the window just eyeballs me now... :roll:

Stupid assholes. I'm confuzled...

EDIT: Mind you I went in higher than a mother fucker on some bubble hash. Long behold everyone in the waiting room wants to talk...


As funny as that picture is, can the mods not delete my thread and just erase him?!
